Children Hymn Story behind the hymn 中文版Chinese Version–宣道出版社生命圣诗第94首 對你來說,聖誕節是甚麼?一個互送禮物的佳節、一個欣賞燈飾的節日?對基督徒而言,聖誕節意義非凡,因為那是記念神賜下最珍貴禮物-耶穌基督予人類的大喜日子。當我們在歡慶聖誕佳節、忙碌於購買聖誕禮物之時,可會想到在二千多...
Christ The Lord Is Risen Todayheather harper、James Blades、Kathleen Joyce、Hervey Allan、Geoffrey Morgan、Charles Smart、The McCarthy Singers、U.S.A.F. Protestant Chapel Choir, West Ruislap, England、wilfred brown、Children's Choir From The Kenton Methodist Sunday School、Kingsway Symphony Orchestra...
Lord of the world, we pray that Christ may reign.Lord, for ourselves; in living power remake us,self on the cross and Christ upon the throne;past put behind us, for the future take us,Lord of our lives, to live for Christ alone. 主,多年来你的爱一直守护和...
Archive for the ‘hymns’ Category « Older Entries What A Gathering Tuesday, June 18th, 2024 Please follow me on Spotify – HymnPod This hymn was the theme song of a Church Camp that I recently attended. Really like this hymn. The Day Of Christ Is At Hand – messages from Blessed...
Celebrate this holiday season with 25 of the best Christmas hymns to prepare your heart for thebirth of Jesus Christ! Rejoice in the arrival of the Messiah asprophecied in the Old Testament, saving us from death and sin. As December arrives, the Christmas season ushers in a unique sense ...
Christ leads me through no darker rooms Than He went through before; He that unto God’s kingdom comes Must enter by this door. Come Lord, when grace hath made me meet Thy blessed face to see; For if Thy work on earth be sweet What will thy glory be! Then I shall end my sad co...
For Christ is born of Mary, And gathered all above, While mortals sleep, the angels keep Their watch of wond'ring love. O morning stars, together Proclaim the holy birth! And praises sing to God the King, And peace to men all on earth. Belying the claim that these are merely moderniz...
Smith asked Professor Rushford, "Do you think that the Gettys' music has the potential to last for centuries, as these hymns we love so well have?" "Oh, I really do," he replied. "They are gifted. I would think that right now -- we're into 2015 -- 'In Christ Alone' is the ...
Ut Queant Laxis- Vespers hymn for the feast of St. John the Baptist (where the Do-Re-Mi notes came from!) Jesus Christ Is Risen Today- Easter Hymn Veni Creator Spiritus- (English translation) Pentecost hymn used for Confirmation and priestly ordinations ...
The Rev. Shannon L. Clark,rector, can be reached at: Telephone: (205) 665-2769, church office; (205) 461-5037, mobile. Email address for Fr. Shannon: Anglican Province of Christ the King