Faith of Our Fathers For the Beauty of the Earth Glory To His Name God of Our Fathers Go Tell It On the Mountain Go Tell It On the Mountain 2014 Grace Greater Than Our Sin Great Is Thy Faithfulness Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah Hallelujah! What a Savior (upbeat) Hallelu...
English / Chinese Version中英文版–宣道出版社生命圣诗第381首 In September 1941, when Germany and Japanese Nazis were waging a global war against Europe and Asia, including China, President Roosevelt of the United States, who were still pursuing peace, isolation and neut...
preached it, taught it, shared it, written it and sung it. Here are dozens of hymns about the Grace of God from the past few centuries. We pray the words will encourage and lift you up as you “look up” to see Jesus,The Author of Grace. ...
For the Beauty of the Earth Glorious Freedom Go Tell It On the Mountain God Be With You Till We Meet Again God Leads Us Along The Gospel in a Word is Love (Love Canon) Grace Greater than Our Sin Great Is Thy Faithfulness The Great Physician ...
Great Is Thy Faithfulness, O God My Father Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah Hail Him the King of Glory (Tell it to Every Kindred and Nation) Hail to the Sabbath Day Hail, Happy Morning (Sabbath) Hallelujah Thine the Glory (Revive Us Again)(We Praise Thee, O God) ...
“May the Lord’s rich grace and faithfulness abide among you constantly. God Bless Your Marriage” LEFT: “Abide, our only safety, Thy people’s sure defense; No power can withstand Thee, Divine Omnipotence! Abide, our pathway brighten With Thy celestial ray; ...
15 pieces including 'Be Thou My Vision', ' Great Is Thy Faithfulness', 'I'd Rather Have Jesus', 'Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus', 'I Have Decided to Follow Jesus' and 'A Mighty Fortress Is Our God' etc. BUY NOW EBOOKS Save ¥27.92 CNY ...
We pray that his life would be a testimony of Your faithfulness, Lord. May he always remember the Lord God’s goodness and mercy. In Jesus’ name, Amen” “Good Lord, on my son’s birthday I thank you for giving me the best thing I have ever had, and pray that he would have a...
Great Is Thy Faithfulness The Daily Service Singers 试听 2:49 38 I Hear Thy Welcome Voice St. Michael's Singers 试听 3:49 39 Just As I Am The Daily Service Singers 试听 2:48 40 A Safe Stronghold Our God Is Still The Celebration Choir 试听 4:11 41 Round the Lord In Glo...
circumstance. Though he is old and beset by enemies, he recalls God’s unfailing faithfulness to him even before his birth, and he calls on God to keep his promises to defend and restore him. Because of his confidence in God, he is full of joy and praise in the midst of his trials....