Anchor Bible Dictionary, Vol. 6. New York: Doubleday, pgs. 535-540. Charlesworth, James H. (Editor). 1985, The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Vol. 2. Garden City: Doubleday & Company. 1995. The Beloved Disciple. Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press International. Cogswell, Theodora Bates. ...
i dare not trust the sweetest frame but holy lean on jesus name on christ the solid rock i stand all other ground is sinking sand all other ground is sinking sand when darkness hides his lovely face i rest on his unchanging grace in every high and stormy gale my anchor holds within the...
38. Will your Anchor hold: P.J.Owens, W.J.Kirkpatrick (4) 39. Yes, God is good: J.H.Gurney (6) 40. You are the King of Glory: M.Ford (1) Junior Worship Songs Album 3 1. Be bold, be strong: M. Chapman, A.Silver (1) ...