A Hymn of Praise - Praise the LORD! Praise his name, you servants of the LORD, who stand in the LORD's house, in the Temple of our God. Praise
1.Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation! All ye who hear, Now to His temple draw near; Sing now in glad adoration! 2.Praise to the Lord, who o’er all things so wondrously reigneth, Who, as on wings...
Praise the LORD, all his works everywhere in his dominion. Praise the LORD, O my soul. Psalm 103:21-22Robert Cottrill: “Two or three of his hymns are found in many hymn books: Abide with Me; Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken; and Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven. The latter, ...
doi:10.1093/nq/s4-II.52.613-eMiller JosiahNotes and Queries
Knowing the origin of a song or hymn can help us so much more in appreciating it and singing it in our praise and worship of our wonderful Lord.Ezine and Your CommentsStay tuned! More hymns will be added. Meanwhile, you might like to subscribe to my ezine or add your comment to this...
在Apple Music 上收听圣保罗大教堂合唱团, John Scott & Christopher Dearnley的《Praise to the Lord: Hymn Favourites from St Paul’s Cathedral》。1999年。16 首歌曲。时长:52 分钟
Oh, praise the Lord! It cleanseth me! It cleanseth me-yes, cleanseth me. I rise to walk in Heav’n’s own light, Above the world and sin, With heart made pure and garments white, And Christ enthroned within. I see the new creation rise; ...
1 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 2:16 2 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 3:48 3 Jesus, Lover of My Soul 4:31 4 'Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus 4:51 5 Abide With Me 2:42 6 Praise the Lord, the Almighty 2:12 7 Be Thou My Vision ...
Stanford: Bible Songs, Op. 113: Vb. Hymn. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Christopher Monks / David Hill / Winchester Cathedral Choir专辑:Stanford: Sacred Choral Music流派:古典 立即播放 收藏 分享 下载歌曲 作曲:Charles Villiers Stanford 暂无歌词 ...
Praise To The LordAmerican Boys Choir Praise, My Soul, The King Of HeavenAmerican Boys Choir There's A Wideness In God's MercyAmerican Boys Choir Christe, Qui Lux Es Et DiesAmerican Boys Choir His Strength Is PerfectAmerican Boys Choir Spirit Of The Living GodAmerican Boys Choir A Mighty ...