有一位神 There is a God 詞:萬美蘭 Marlene Wan 曲:游智婷 Sandy Yu © 1995 Stream of Praise Music/BMI. CCLI: 3520053 讚美之泉版權所有 [Verse 1] 有一位神 有權能創造宇宙萬物 也有溫柔雙手安慰受傷靈魂 有一位神 有權柄審判一切罪惡 也有慈悲體貼人的軟弱 [Chorus] 有一位神 我們的神 唯...
6. Haste thee on from grace to glory, armed by faith, and winged by prayer. Heaven’s eternal days before thee, God’s own hand shall guide us there. Soon shall close thy earthly mission, soon shall pass thy pilgrim days. Hope shall change to glad fruition, faith to sight, and praye...
賜福與你 Blessings of God Be Upon You 詞、曲:曾祥怡 Grace Tseng © 2008 Stream of Praise Music / BMI. CCLI: 5164493 讚美之泉版權所有 願主的恩惠慈愛與你同在 願主的靈 時時圍繞 恩典降下 賜福與你 平安喜樂天天充滿你 願主的恩惠慈愛 與你同在 願主的靈 時時圍繞 ...
In such a context, the call to boast only of the Cross of Christ, which is expressed in a very categorical manner, becomes a call to change one’s way of thinking and setting one’s values. God and his mission of delivering man should be the most important, while everything else shoul...