外文名称:Hylo-Fresh Lubricating Eye Drops 10ml 条形码:9340404000475 品牌:Hylo-Forte 温馨提示WARM PROMPT 本品为膳食补充剂(营养素补充剂),不能替代药物。 * Preservative free* Suitable for use with all contact lenses* Natural, soothing, tolerable ingredients* Remains sterile for 6 months from opening*...
编号: 3611104 品牌:Hylo-Forte 主类:营养保健 分类:非处方药眼部护理 放入购物车 这是该产品的二维码,记得分享哦 商品详情 * Preservative free* Suitable for use with all contact lenses* Natural, soothing, tolerable ingredients* Remains sterile for 6 months from opening* User friendly bottle ...