Hyksos(hĭkˈsōs)[Egyptian,=rulers of foreign lands], invaders of ancientEgypt, now substantiated as the XV–XVIII dynasties. They were a northwestern Semitic (Canaanite or Amorite) people who entered Egypt sometime between 1720 and 1710 B.C. and subdued the pharaohs of the Middle Kingdo...
The Hyksos were a foreign dynasty, which dominated Egypt from their capital in the Nile delta during the politically unstable Second Intermediate Period (1782-1570 BC). This book explores the religion, politics and customs of the Hyksos and provides a concise overview of this short period of ...
between 1570-1550 B.C., Kamose and Ahmose (brothers) fought the Hyksos. Ahmose I, the first Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, completed the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt and unified both Upper and Lower Egypt to start the New Kingdom. ...
- "invasion" of the land by the Hyksos is preserved in the Aegyptiaca of Manetho, who records that during this time the Hyksos overran Egypt, led by Salitis...- Age. During his reign, Ahmose completed the conquest and expulsion of the Hyksos from the Nile Delta, restored Theban rule...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Hyksos Also found in:Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. Hyk·sos (hĭk′sōs, -sŏs) pl.n. A Semitic people who invaded Egypt and ruled it during the 17th and 16th centuriesbc. They introduced the horse and chariot into Egypt. ...
Josephus elsewhere (Apion, 1, 26) gives from Manetho a narrative of another event which wears a much nearer likeness to the Exodus (although Josephus expressly combats such an identification) in the case of a king Amenophis, who was ordered by the gods to cleanse Egypt of a multitude of...
The meaning of HYKSOS is of or relating to a Semite dynasty that ruled Egypt from about the 18th to the 16th century b.c..
TheHyksos[1][2]were a large group of Semites who enteredEgyptover a period of several decades through a flux of immigration and had established a foothold in Egypt in the beginning of the beginning of the 18th century BC, triggering theSecond Intermediate Periodof Egypt from 1782 BC-1570 ...
The Hyksos Invadr Egypt西克索斯入侵埃及 2022-01-27 14:33:5905:35 46 所属专辑:世界历史故事1:Ancient Times 喜欢下载分享 声音简介埃及王朝逐渐衰弱,被趁虚而入的西克索斯王朝侵略并统治一百多年,后又被埃及王族后裔以同样的方法夺回了政权。 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播...
Hyksos (hĭk′sōs) [Egyptian,=rulers of foreign lands], invaders of ancient Egypt, now substantiated as the XV–XVIII dynasties. They were a northwestern Semitic (Canaanite or Amorite) people who entered Egypt sometime between 1720 and 1710 B.C. and subdued the pharaohs of the Middle Kin...