The main characters are hands and the posters show different situations that they find themselves in. Scenes with funny captions present ordinary activities in a completely new way with the images helping form vivid associations. The cute and colorful poster for the smallest kids has the simple cou...
Teaching Notes: these are for guidance and can be used to suit whoever you are teaching.Download teaching notesStickers: these can be given after hand washing has been carried out correctly. They can be printed out using Avery E3613 labels. Download stickersPosters: These posters can be used ...
Puppen-Kids Puppen-Kids Confins-Steakhouse Confins-Steakhouse Terrano-Engenharia Terrano-Engenharia Caf-Com-Passagem Caf-Com-Passagem Cine-Cataratas Cine-Cataratas A-Cabana A-Cabana Mnzled Mnzled Barbearia-98 Barbearia-98 Posters-Ayrton-Senna Posters-Ayrton-Senna Ca-Brutta-1 Ca-Brutta-...