Hydroxyl group (―OH), in chemistry, a functional group with one hydrogen and one oxygen atom. An oxygen atom normally forms two σ bonds with other atoms; the water molecule, H2O, is the simplest and most common example. If one hydrogen atom is removed
hydroxyl group (―OH), inchemistry, afunctional groupwith onehydrogenand oneoxygenatom. An oxygen atom normally forms two σ bonds with other atoms; the watermolecule, H2O, is the simplest and most common example. If one hydrogen atom is removed from awatermolecule, a hydroxyl functional group...
Hydroxyl Group Properties Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? I am a student I am a teacher Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Alkanol & Alkanoic Acid: Functional Groups & Properties Hydroxyl Group: Definition, ...
Definition The term hydroxyl group is used to describe the 鈥揙H functional group in an organic compound. Organic molecules containing hydroxyl groups are known as alcohols . Hydroxyl groups are especially important in biochemistry due to their tendency to form hydrogen bonds, as they contain both ...
Use of 2′-aminonucleotide substitution for exploration of direct contacts, such as hydrogen bonding andmetal ioncoordination, is consistent with the strictest definition of “local” wherein only direct interactions with the 2′-hydroxyl are investigated (interaction distances <5Å). However,chemosel...
Define hydroxyl. hydroxyl synonyms, hydroxyl pronunciation, hydroxyl translation, English dictionary definition of hydroxyl. n. The univalent group OH, a characteristic component of bases, certain acids, phenols, alcohols, carboxylic and sulfonic acids,
A hydroxyl group is a functional group in chemistry that consists of an oxygen atom bonded to a hydrogen atom, which can enhance the adsorption of CO2 molecules and improve the CO2 uptake capacity in certain materials. From: Polyhedron, 2018 ...
Hydroxyl GroupReference work entry First Online: 01 January 2017 pp 1779 Cite this reference work entry Encyclopedia of Cancer 75 Accesses Definition Functional group consisting in an atom of oxygen joined to a hydrogen atom by a single bond. Bisphosphonates This is a preview of subscription ...
Define hydroxyl radical. hydroxyl radical synonyms, hydroxyl radical pronunciation, hydroxyl radical translation, English dictionary definition of hydroxyl radical. Noun 1. hydroxyl radical - the monovalent group -OH in such compounds as bases and some a
Hydroxyl Group: Definition, Structure & Formula from Chapter 5 / Lesson 9 21K A hydroxyl group is a specific class of organic functional groups that function as an alcohol due to their chemical structure. Examine their formula to see why the arrangement matters, and see examples of types of...