Outpatient hydroxychloroquine prescribing at a large academic health system during the COVID-19 pandemic.doi:10.1017/ICE.2020.243David R. HaJamie KuoPhyo S. AungTiffany ChangLana G. WittWilliam AlegriaAmy ChangLina MengStanley P. Deresinski
Additional worldwide studies are still ongoing to assess the use of these agents for the treatment or prevention or COVID-19, including early-stage outpatient and use with supplements such as zinc or vitamin D or with azithromycin. However, the FDA states hydroxychloroquine should not be used ou...
“The FDA is aware of reports of serious heart rhythm problems in patients with COVID-19 treated with hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, often in combination with azithromycin,” the agency said. “We are also aware of increased use of these medicines through outpati...
The individuals with history of high-risk direct contacts with COVID-19 case were screened and enrolled for the study in the COVID-19 screening clinic at Emergency medical outpatient department (EMOPD) and Communicable disease ward of the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research ...
On May 27, the Swiss national government banned outpatient use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19. Around June 10, COVID-19 deaths increased four-fold and remained elevated. On June 11, the Swiss government revoked the ban, and on June 23 the death rate reverted to what it had been bef...
In an unprecedented move, Governors of 5 states including Gov. Cuomo of New York have issued executive orders banning or restricting the use of hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19. This is unprecedented in the history of medicine that a Government official would use their office to “Practice of Med...
Background:Current strategies for preventing severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection are limited to nonpharmacologic interventions. Hydroxychloroquine has been proposed as a postexposure therapy to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), but definitive evidence is lackin...
shame that there should be such a strong denial about its healing properties. On the meantime, the only people who defend this drug in the political sphere are halfwits as the Trumps and Bolsonaro. What are the chances that this drug is ever going ...
Substantial COVID-19 research investment has been allocated to randomized clinical trials (RCTs) on hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine, which currently face recruitment challenges or early discontinuation. We aim to estimate the effects of hydroxychloroquine
François-Xavier Lescure is the assistant of our famous Yazdan Yazdanpanah who is in the Scientific Council for Covid-19.He has publicly criticized the Marseille team to discredit hydroxychloroquine.He is co-author of the highly questionable study on Gilead’s remediant, published i...