inanacidicmedium N.A.ARMSTRONG* Synopsis--Thehydrolysisofpureandcommercialgradesofmonostearininmineralacidhas beenstudied.Thereactionhasbeenshowntofollowfirstorderkinetics,withanactivation energyof76'49kJmole-l,andacollisionfactorof9.48min-I.Studyofthehydrolysisof ...
The gastric phase of protein hydrolysis involves the proteolytic action of pepsin, which is secreted by the chief cells of the stomach as an inactive precursor called pepsinogen. This zymogene is activated by the acidic pH in the stomach lumen and by the autocatalytic hydrolysis of the active ...
The kinetics of hydrolysis were pseudo first order and were found to be strongly pH and temperature dependent. While near-constant in acidic medium, the hydrolysis rates strongly increased in alkaline pH, and total hydrolysis was observed at pH 11. Two main hydrolysis products, mefenpyrethyl (...
Monolayers of vinyl stearate and bulk poly(vinyl stearate) were maintained at constant pressures of 15 dyn/cm and spread on subphases of pH ranging from 2 to 12 in order to determine the extent of ester hydrolysis under these experimental conditions. Monomer films exposed to basic subphases for...
OH denotes a molecule of an alcohol, and the dashes represent covalent bonds that are broken or formed during the reaction. A characteristic feature of the hydrolysis of esters and most other organic compounds is that either an acidic, basic, or enzymatic catalysis is required to achieve a sign...
This study presents a novel method for nanocellulose production using [Bmim]Cl as a green solvent, with enhanced hydrolysis efficiency achieved through the addition of a transition metal complex as a catalyst. The redox capability of the transition metal complex to break the glycosidic bonds in cell...
In this work, the effect of the structures of AS on the hydrolysis rate constant in acidic, alkaline, and fluoride of protic (methanol), moderate polar aprotic (acetonitrile), and non-polar aprotic solvents (dioxane) media, in addition to the effect of the reaction medium on the hydrolysis ...
For cellulose hydrolysis in an ionic liquid medium, cellulose (0.1 g) was first dissolved in [EMIM]Cl (2 g) by using a temperature controlled oil bath to maintain a temperature of 120°C. After dissolution, the temperature was lowered to 105°C and distilled water (0.3 mL) was added in...
The use of whole pretreated material for methane production hinders the rational and efficient use of all biomass fractions, such as the destination of the cellulose-rich solid fraction for 2G bioethanol production. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the AH pretreatment of SB in order to ...
1). The ingredients of flour were reacted with TG in a reaction medium of pH 5.0, pH 6.0, pH 7.0 and pH 8.5. After the reaction with TG under acidic conditions (pH 5.0), no significant changes in the contents of α-amino groups were observed, compared to native flour. However, the...