17阅读文档大小:333.13K46页zhourencrh上传于2016-03-21格式:PDF 熵理论及其在水文水资源中的应用研究brEntropy Theory and Its Application in Hydrology and Water Resources 热度: 气候与土地利用变化对水文水资源的影响研究 impacts of climate change and land use-land cover change on hydrology and water res...
Saskatchewan's contemporary hydrology determines the type and location of natural vegetation, soils, agriculture, communities and commerce. However, the scarcity, seasonality and unpredictability of the province's water resources have proved critical impediments to the productivity of natural ecosystems and ...
Hydrology and Water Resources in Arizona and the Southwest, Volume 37 (2007) Complete issue of the Proceedings of the 2007 Meetings of the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - March 31, 2007, Nothern Arizona Unive... H Pdf - 《Hydrology & Water Resources in Arizona & the...
工程水文与水资源-Engineering Hydrology and water resources-1726403026068.pptx,;;; 又经调查,在四川忠县长江北岸2km处的选溪山洞中调查到宋绍兴23年(南宋赵构年号)即1153年一次大洪水。;为什么要考虑特大洪水? 目前我们所掌握的样本系列不长。 系列愈短,抽样
Water resources development -- Southwestern statestextProceedingsComplete issue of the Proceedings of the 1978 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 14-15, 1978, Flagstaff, Arizonahwr.pdf...
Immediately download your ebook while waiting for your print delivery. No promo code needed. A comprehensive, integrated view of the behaviour of the tropical hydrological cycle under various ecological, geographical and climatological conditions. The book also examines the problems of water management ...
select article Deep learning in hydrology and water resources disciplines: concepts, methods, applications, and research directions Review articleAbstract only Deep learning in hydrology and water resources disciplines: concepts, methods, applications, and research directions ...
Topic diversity Water resources science Hydrology Natural language processing Topic modeling Machine learning 1. Introduction In the early stages of hydrology and water resources science, the focus was on bringing together natural scientists, engineers, and social scientists (Harshbarger and Evans, 1967)....
(1995), Hydrology and water management in the humid tropics: Hydrological research issues and strategies for water management. M. Bonell, M, M. Hufschmidt and J. S. Gladwell (eds), Cambridge University Press, (Cambridge) 1993. no. of pages: xx + 590, price: £70.00, US$99.95, (...
Hydrology provides information fundamental to the design of hydraulic works: water resources planning, development and management; irrigation water management; environmental conservation; and so on. Despite the enormous importance of the Brahmaputra River basin to India, its hydrology has not received as ...