(redirected fromHydrokinetic power) tidal power n (Electrical Engineering) the use of the rise and fall of tides involving very large volumes of water at low heads to generate electric power Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991,...
The main conclusions are: (1) Each nonlinear, piecewise-linear, stiffness function has its own merits in power harnessing; the differences lie in the FIV characteristics of the different regions of the flow. (2) The nonlinear spring converter can harness energy from flows as low as 0.275 m/...
A system for generating electrical power includes one or more turbine systems, a linking system, a power receiving station, and a transmission line. The turbine systems includes a turbine, a turbine carrier that can hold the turbine in a flow of water, and a generator that produces electricity...
A numerical investigation is performed on the flow-induced vibrations (FIVs) of two coupled cylinders with various cross-sections and their performance on power scavenging. The shear stress transport (SST) k - ω turbulence model is employed to study the turbulent conditions. The center distance ...
In addition, the oscillation system of two cylinders with stiffer spring and higher 味harness could initiate total power harness at a larger flow velocity and harness much higher power. These findings are very meaningful and important for hydrokinetic energy conversion.Wanhai Xu, Chunning Ji, Hai ...
This research study was conducted to explore the feasibility of designing a Hybrid Hydrokinetic Power Generation System that will be integrated to a water distribution system, which will be constructed for supplying power and water to a model rural community comprised of 36 household families. The ...
The availability of the hydrokinetic generated power depends on the speed of the river, ocean, or tidal current which is expressed as a function of the density of the water multiplied by the speed of the water current cubed. As the need for reliable sources of energy production continues to ...
Thesaurus Medical hy·dro·ki·net·ic (hī′drō-kə-nĕt′ĭk, -kī-)alsohy·dro·ki·net·i·cal(-ĭ-kəl) adj. 1.Of or relating to hydrokinetics. 2.Of or relating to the kinetic energy and motion of fluids. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth...
"This initial test vessel wouldn't be too far off-shore, so they could hook into an existing electrical grid, but being in the water raised an entirely new possibility: using the hydrokinetic energy from waves or tides for computing power. Microsoft Takes Datacenter Under Water and Schaefer, ...
United States Patent US3188887 Note: If you have problems viewing the PDF, please make sure you have the latest version ofAdobe Acrobat. Back to full text