高纯度氢气生产: 该氢气发生器产生纯度为99.999% 的氢气,使其适用于能源和采矿行业的各种应用。 广泛的容量范围: 该产品提供了一个灵活的容量范围5-200nm3/h,使其能够满足不同需求的电厂加氢站。 使用寿命长: 使用寿命超过10年,这种氢气发生器是长期制氢的可靠选择。 露点低,压力低: 产品在露点45 ~-50范围内...
During this process heat is produced upon insertion and with pressure release and applied heat, the process is reversed. The main problem of this method is the weight of the absorbing material – a tank’s mass would be about 600 kg compared to the 80kg of a comparable compressed H2gas ...
Type III is 50% lighter but costs more than twice as much as Type II, shown in Figure 4. Additionally, Type III and Type VI offer the advantage of hydrogen storage at higher pressures for higher energy storage density. Figure 4. Weight of tanks per gas storage and price of the tank ...
上汽红岩根里昂C6 8x4 420HP柴油手动自卸车新条件欧2排放标准左转向快速齿轮低价原装东风全新6x4 RHD自卸车热卖中国品牌越野公路矿用自卸车55吨SRT55D出厂价格热卖二手豪沃自卸车371马力375马力10轮有效载荷30吨6x4自卸车质量好欧元卡车二手mack卡车沃尔沃卡车Shacman 12容量混凝土泵车低价二手水泥搅拌车混凝土搅拌车重型中...
Light weight group 3 metals, e.g. Al, B, are able to bind four hydrogen atoms and form together with an alkali metal an ionic or at least partially covalent compound. These compounds are rather stable and often desorb the hydrogen only above their melting temperature. LiBH 4 has a ...
fuel tank system, the run started Monday 25th September in the afternoon at Mercedes-Benz Truck’s Customer Center in Woerth am Rhein and finished on Tuesday morning 26th September in Germany’s capital city Berlin. The truck completed the run fully loaded and a gross combined vehicle weight ...
in this case) containing sufficient hydrogen to go 300miles would be the size of the automobile’s trunk. Add the effect of the weight of the tank on the fuel economy, and it is easy to agree that further research and development is needed to develop low cost, light weight and safe ...
Unlike the GWP, the GTP quantifies the climate effect at the end of a timeperiod rather than averaging over the whole timeperiod. The GTP therefore gives more weight to the radiative forcing that comes later in the timeperiod. Whereas, using a GWP to trade a short-lived species like H2...
Since hydrogen is small, in many cases the molecules fit in the voids that are already present in the material, and thus do not give a change in any material property, other than weight. Examples are metal organic frame works or zeolites. Nevertheless, some materials are known to absorb ...
isobutane is alkylated with low-molecular weight alkenes (primarily a mixture of propylene and butylene) in the presence of a strong acid catalyst, hydrofluoric acid. The catalyst is able to protonate the alkenes (propylene, butylene) to produce reactive carbo-cations , which cause alkylation of ...