No such incentives have so far been unveiled in Japan, where the model will be in competition with three other hydrogen fuel-cell cars, Toyota’s Mirai and Crown sedan and the Hyundai Nexo. According to Japanese news agency Kyodo, Honda does not have big ambitions for the CR-V e:FCEV in...
October 1, 2023Hydro Kevin Kantola The Alberta government is exploring the potential of hydrogen fuel cell cars in a world that has predominantly embraced electric plug-in cars. Danielle Smith envisions a promising future for zero-emission vehicles, a type that’s currently not been used in ...
Now, hydrogen trucks for sale are a different matter. As with cars, there are several dealers that will, for a fee, convert a gasoline or diesel powered vehicle to run on hydrogen. But, the next hydrogen truck for sale that I want to talk about is not one of these. The hydrogen truc...
But sales of hydrogen-powered cars plummeted to a new low in January, with only two units sold across the country,according to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy— a 99.4% fall compared to the same month in 2023 — despite the widespread availability of subsidies that slash the cost...
Hydrogen-powered Extreme H rally series set for 2025 launch Coming to a wilderness far away from you… courtesy of the makers of Extreme E Joe Holding Published: 01 Sep 2023 External link to Top Gear Magazine Subscription – 5 issues for £5 ...
(gge) for the latest passenger cars. In general, the project has improved the performance of fuel cell electrical vehicles[16], achieving the 2015 targets for the driving range, efficiency, low-temperature performance, and refueling time, while vehicle durability and vehicle cost remained focus ...
Hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles are related to electric cars, but these machines have pros and cons that make them different from the typical battery-powered EV.
The new hydrogen car model will be the fifth generation of the Prius for its 2023 lineup. The H2-powered Priuswill be the first time Toyota has combined two of its signature low-carbon technologies. In this case, it will bring together hydrogen power with a plug-in hybrid. After that mo...
Kicking things off with an Antwerp media drive, the hydrogen-powered SUV will now embark on a 'world tour' for demonstrations and trials with selected groups.
The “International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT)”, in October of 2017 published a briefing report on hydrogen fuelling infrastructure indicating that the FCEV's fleet in California will increase to more than 60,000 cars in 2025, while the HRSs' number will reach 120 refuelling spots ...