North American and European jurisdictions are considering repurposing natural gas infrastructure to deliver a lower carbon blend of natural gas and hydrogen; this paper evaluates the greenhouse gas reduction potential and cost-effectiveness of the repurposing. The analysis uses a bottom-up economy-wide ...
V. Uusitalo, S. Va€is€anen, E. Inkeri, R. Soukka, Potential for greenhouse gas emission reductions using surplus electricity in hydrogen, methane and methanol production via electrolysis, Energy Convers. Manag. 134 (2017) 125e134.
It’s been decades since hydrogen was first proposed as a primary source of clean energy. Thanks to advances in a variety of key technologies, the moment when the abundant gas can begin contributing to the fight against climate change may finally be upon us. But the hype level is high, an...
which justifies the implementation of the required hydrogen infrastructure to meet future greenhouse gas reduction targets. In addition, the regulatory framework—including subsidies, taxes and levies—has a huge impact on CapEx and OpEx, which can dramatically swing the economics of projects. It is ...
greenhousegasemissions(i.e.“cleanhydrogen”)–arepartoftheoveralldecarbonisationpuzzle.Theyareakey solutiontodecarbonisehard-to-abatesectors,aswellasforthelarge-scale,long-termstorageandtransport ofcleanenergy.Theroleofcleanhydrogen(seeBox2fordefinitions)anditsderivativesinindustrytoreach ...
At Volvo Group we see hydrogen fuel cells as one of the key enablers of fossil-free transportation systems, supporting our transition to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Through the use of hydrogen in both fuel cell and combustion applications, we believe that we can offer a competitive long...
The holistic study examines the likelihood of hydrogen becoming a means of heat delivery for buildings – which are the single biggest source of national greenhouse gas emissions, making up 37% of CO2output. It concludes that zero carbon hydrogen, supplied via a re-purposed gas mains network, ...
Hydrogen offers a route to storing renewable electricity and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Metal–organic framework (MOF) adsorbents are promising candidates for hydrogen storage, but a deep understanding of their potential for large-scale, stationa
Hydrogen aircraft using a fuel cell design are zero emission in operation, whereas aircraft using hydrogen as a fuel for a jet engine or an internal combustion engine are zero emission for CO2 (a greenhouse gas which contributes to global climate change) but not for NOx (a local air pollutant...
Hydrogen is recognised as an important future energy vector for applications in many sectors. Hydrogen is an indirect climate gas which induces perturbations of methane, ozone, and stratospheric water vapour, three potent greenhouse gases. Using data fro