” wrote one Mirai owner on Reddit.“There was no talk of stations being down, fuel shortages, long lines, etc. The most that was mentioned was the recommendation to fill up whenever you are near a station.”
This means the roll-out of fuel cells with in-built reformers for power generation and the roll-out of steam methane reformers (SMR) which reform the natural gas in to hydrogen for use in fuel cell vehicles. In this sense, Korea's strategy is to build out the most cost-effective ...
Simplified approach to evaluating safety distances for hydrogen vehicle fuel dispensersHydrogen dispenserRisk assessmentSafety distanceAs the use of hydrogen as a vehicle fuel becomes increasingly popular, the development and construction of hydrogen fueling stations is significantly increasing as well. However...
H2 MOBILITY Germany is building a public hydrogen filling station where all fuel cell vehicles can fill up with renewable hydrogen.“The construction project shows that municipal partnerships along the value chain – from hydrogen production to infrastructure – have an accelerating effect on...