The Alberta government is exploring the potential of hydrogen fuel cell cars in a world that has predominantly embraced electric plug-in cars. Danielle Smith envisions a promising future for zero-emission vehicles, a type that’s currently not been used in Alberta. Do you recall during the mids...
Hydrogen cars and fuel cell vehicles are featured along with the building of the H2 infrastructure needed to support this form of clean transportation.
H2FCP and its members are growing the market for fuel cell electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel. We collaborate in the ideas and actions that will create a sustainable future for zero-emission cars, trucks, and buses. About usZero Emissions Just a puff of water vapor. No pollution or ...
Is hydrogen propulsion the future? How does a fuel cell work? Are there any risks? In this article, a hydrogen propulsion expert from BMW will answer these questions and more.
Hydrogen cars have been around for many years now but the first one was built by General Motors in 1966. Today, Toyota is the leader in H2...
Hydrogen fuel-cell(氢燃料电池) vehicles aren't just sources for science fiction or far-out experiments. Cars fueled by hydrogen, like the Toyota Mirai and Hyunda Nexo, are already here, and hydrogen fuel-cell technology is actively evolving and benefiting from billions of dollars in federal ...
and carbon dioxide.Fuel cell vehiclescan also address concerns about energy diversity and security. Hydrogen can be derived from many feedstocks, but it is unique as an energy carrier in that it can be created from water and electricity, allowing it to be produced from clean,renewable energy so...
D Hydrogen fuel-cell (氢燃料电池) vehicles aren't just sources for science fiction or far-out experiments. Cars fueled by hydrogen, like the Toyot a Mirai and Hyundai Nexo, are already here, and hydrogen fuel-cell technology is actively evolving and benefiting from billions of dollars in fede...
Turner, Liz
At Intelligent Energy, we are proud to support zero emission legislation and increasing consumer interest by offering automotive hydrogen fuel cells.