Hydrogen Bond Definition A hydrogen bond is a type of attractive (dipole-dipole) interaction between an electronegativeatomand ahydrogenatombondedto another electronegative atom. This bond always involves a hydrogen atom.Hydrogen bondscan occur betweenmoleculesor within parts of a single molecule. A hyd...
Medical Definition hydrogen bond noun :an electrostatic attraction between a hydrogen atom in one polar molecule (as of water) and a small electronegative atom (as of oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine) in usually another molecule of the same or a different polar substance ...
Definition noun plural: hydrogen bonds A type ofchemical bondthat is formed when the slightly positivehydrogenatomof apolarcovalent bondforms an electrostatic link with the more electreonegativeatomof apolarcovalent bondin thesameoranothermolecule ...
What is a hydrogen bond? Learn the definition, examples, and types of hydrogen bonding. See the hydrogen bond model.Updated: 11/21/2023 Hydrogen Bond Definition When a hydrogen atom that is already bound with an atom in a molecule gets bridged with another atom through anelectrostatic attracti...
Kids Definition hydrogen noun hy·dro·gen ˈhī-drə-jən : a chemical element that is the simplest and lightest of all chemical elements and is normally found alone as a colorless odorless highly flammable gas having two atoms per molecule see element hydrogenous hī-...
hydrogen bond noun a weak chemical bond between an electronegative atom, such as fluorine, oxygen, or nitrogen, and a hydrogen atom bound to another electronegative atom. Hydrogen bonds are responsible for the properties of water and many biological molecules Collins English Dictionary - Complete & ...
{O}}} \right)\). These are also formed between several molecules of different substances. For example- Water and acetone. When the formation of a hydrogen bond takes place between different molecules of the same or different compounds, it is called intermolecular hydrogen bonding. For example ...
Answer and Explanation:1 Hydrogen bonds connect a hydrogen atom from one molecule with an electronegative atom of another molecule such as oxygen, nitrogen or fluorine... Learn more about this topic: Hydrogen Bond | Definition, Types & Examples from...
Answer and Explanation:1 Adenine form a bond with thymine, and a hydrogen bond is formed between the two base pair. Thus, adenine from two hydrogen bonds with thymine, and... Learn more about this topic: Hydrogen Bond | Definition, Types & Examples ...
Kids Definition hydrogen noun hy·dro·gen ˈhī-drə-jən : a chemical element that is the simplest and lightest of all chemical elements and is normally found alone as a colorless odorless highly flammable gas having two atoms per molecule see element hydrogenous hī-...