The results show that a weak hydrogen bond and a strong covalent interaction can be formed between the two molecules. In H2BHCNHCN and H2BHNCHNC trimers, there is enhancing interplay between the single-electron hydrogen bond and another type of hydrogen bond. Although the covalent interaction ...
A hydrogen bond tends to be stronger thanvan der Waals forces, but weaker thancovalent bondsorionic bonds. It is about 1/20th (5%) the strength of the covalent bond formed between O-H. However, even this weak bond is strong enough to withstand slight temperature fluctuation. But the Atoms...
Hydrogen bond is a weak electrostatic force of attraction between covalently bonded hydrogen and more electronegative species like F,O and N. It play an important role in influencing many physical constants. It is a weaker bond than covalent bond but stronger than vanderWaal forces of attraction....
If a hydrogen bond is weaker than a covalent bond, it is necessary to have 5 kcal/mol to break a hydrogen bond and 100 kcal/mol to break a covalent bond. Why do the compounds with hydrogen bonds have high boiling points? Explain your answer. ...
covalent or ionic bonds; however, hydrogen bonding is generally still a bound state phenomenon, since the interaction energy has a net negative sum. The question of the relationship between the covalent bond and the hydrogen bond remains largely unsettled, though the initial theory proposed by Linus...
a chemical bond consisting of a hydrogen atom between two electronegative atoms (e.g., oxygen or nitrogen) with one side be a covalent bond and the other being an ionic bond相似短语 hydrogen bond 氢键 intramolecular hydrogen bond 分子内氢键 intrachain hydrogen bond 【化】 链内氢键 interm...
一般来说,考虑到破坏化学键所消耗的能量,有以下顺序:ionic> polar covalent> covalent> hydrogen.而金属键metallic的强弱不好判断,相关理论解释也很负责,故一般不参与比较。
One of the major distinctions between a covalent bond and a hydrogen bond is theelectronegativityof the atoms involved. In a covalent bond, the electronegativities of the two atoms are comparable. Conversely, hydrogen bond forms when the slightly positive hydrogen atom of a polar covalent bond fo...
Hydrogen bond is an electrostatic force of attraction between partial positive charge of hydrogen atom bonded to an electronegative atom or group and electron-rich another electronegative atom possessing lone pair of electrons. From: De Novo Peptide Design, 2023 ...
noun a type of chemical bond in which a hydrogen atom that has a covalent link with one of the electronegative atoms (F, N, O) forms an electrostatic link with another electronegative atom in the same or another molecule.Compare Meanings hydrogen bond vs. ionic bond Click for a side-by-...