Methods to produce hydrogen without the use of fossil fuels involve the process of water splitting, or splitting the water molecule (H2O) into its components oxygen and hydrogen. When the source of energy for water splitting is renewable or low-carbon, the hydrogen produced is sometimes referred...
Later, in his studies on iodine and fluorine compounds, he attributed acidity to aparticularcombinationofhydrogenand the halogen, writing, “aciditydoesnotdependuponanypeculiarelementarysubstances, butuponpeculiarcombinationsofvarioussubstances”. 后来,在他对碘和氟化合物的研究中,他将酸性归因于氢和卤素的特...
Recently, monolayer molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) has emerged as a promising and non–precious electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction. However, its performance is largely limited by the low density and poor reactivity of active sites within its basal plane. Here, we report that domain boundari...
These compounds, combined with a catalyst, produce hydrogen gas at relatively low pressure and reasonable temperature. This system is already capable of generating hydrogen up to 5.3 percent of its weight and works at over 90 percent efficiency....
(Elements & Compounds) phenyl group or radical Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 pH the symbol for the logarithm of the reciprocal of hydrogen ion concentration in gr...
The hydrogen isotope deuterium is widely used in the synthesis of isotopically-labeled compounds and in the fabrication of semiconductors and optical fibers. However, the facile production of deuterium gas (D2) and hydrogen deuteride (HD) in a controlled
Beyond its fascinating chemistry as the first element in the Periodic Table, hydrogen is of high societal importance in energy technologies and of growing
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, and due to its reactivity, it only exists on earth in compounds such as water and organic materials. It is an odourless, flammable and colourless gas, which is leading to its safety concern, especially if a leak is not detected and ...
CO2forcing. Figure1bshows the resulting total hydrogen GWP and its individual components as a function of the considered time-horizon. The evolution and decrease of the GWP with the time-horizon after 3 years is controlled by the increase of the CO2AGWP as seen in Fig.1a. The H2GWP dec...
Indeed, FA can be derived from CO2 or lignocellulosic biomass; thus, it serves as a renewable source for high-purity hydrogen synthesis and catalytic transfer hydrogenation (CTH) reactions. Overall, significant reductions in CO2 emissions could result from the use of bioderived compounds, such as ...