In short, the glycans in the glycoproteins were oxidized to aldehydes with sodium periodate and reacted with hydrazide beads overnight. The unattached proteins were subsequently removed by extensive washing and centrifugation prior to reduction, alkylation and PNGase F deglycosylation of the glycoproteins...
Beads | abt beads technologies | abvision | abx | abzoom | academy biomed | academy bio-medical | acanthus research | acanthusresearch | accelagen | Access Biologicals, LLC | accessbiologicals | acciusa | accu-chek | accumax accutase | Accurate | accurate chemical | Accurate Wirecraft Company...
On the contrary, cells immobilized within κ-carrageenan gel beads exhibited a relative better stability and after 150 hours, 40% of cells in the reactor carried the plasmid (Figure 2). The high dilution rate used in the immobilized system removed the released cells but the same level of ...
However, for the de-glycopeptides with N-terminal Ser/ Thr, formation of the aldehyde groups on their N-termini resulted in covalent binding onto the hydrazide beads that cannot be released by PNGase F cleavage. Consequently these part of the de-glycopeptides with N-terminal Ser/Thr cannot ...
• Glycoprotein labeling—tag glycosylated proteins at sialic acid residues to enable high recovery in pull-down assays with streptavidin beads• Cell surface labeling—tag and isolate cell surface glycoproteins; reagent does not permeate membranes of whole cells• Aldehyde-reactive—reacts with ...
MagSi-Tools are surface activated magnetic beads for immobilization of proteins (antibodies, enzymes), peptides, nucleic acids or other molecules of …
Consequently, they must be chemically anchored onto porous supports (e.g., fibers, beads, and sheets) with a large surface area21,22,23. Unfortunately, the use of supports with a high weight fraction inevitably reduces the weight-based PM adsorption capacity of the adsorbent and complicates ...
Beads | abt beads technologies | abvision | abx | abzoom | academy biomed | academy bio-medical | acanthus research | acanthusresearch | accelagen | Access Biologicals, LLC | accessbiologicals | acciusa | accu-chek | accumax accutase | Accurate | accurate chemical | Accurate Wirecraft Company...
Bovine serum albumin, Sepharose beads (BSA- Sepharose beads) Bovine serum albumin thiol (BSA-SH) Bovine serum albumin Biotin (BSA-Biotin) Bovine serum albumin TRITC (BSA-TRITC) Bovine serum albumin Fluorescein (BSA-FITC) Bovine serum albumin CY5 (BSA-CY5) ...
Bovine serum albumin, Sepharose beads (BSA- Sepharose beads) Bovine serum albumin thiol (BSA-SH) Bovine serum albumin Biotin (BSA-Biotin) Bovine serum albumin TRITC (BSA-TRITC) Bovine serum albumin Fluorescein (BSA-FITC) Bovine serum albumin CY5 (BSA-CY5) ...