kill radius 杀伤半径 by channel n. 支渠 non hydraulic 非水力的 hydraulic lift 水力升降机 electro hydraulic 电动液压的,电动液力的 最新单词 Clarke s column的中文释义 背核 Clarke's cell是什么意思 脊髓背核色素细胞 clark's alloy的中文解释 克拉克合金 Clark process的中文释义 克拉克法 Cla...
The meaning of HYDRAULIC RADIUS is the ratio of the cross-sectional area of a channel or pipe in which a fluid is flowing to the wetted perimeter of the conduit.
hydraulic radius , hydraulic mean depth [ The right cross-sectional area of a stream of water divided by the length of that part of its periphery in contact with its containing conduit; the ratio of area to wetted perimeter. In a wide shallow stream in which the height of the channel ...
R is the hydraulic radius. A is the cross-sectional flow area of the channel. P is the channel-wetted perimeter.The wetted perimeter (P) represents the length of the channel's boundary in contact with the flowing fluid. It can be calculated by summing the lengths of all the sides of ...
The presence of the ice cover can reduce the hydraulic radius of a cross section by as much as 46% and flow discharge by 60%, in comparisons to the corresponding values associated with open channel conditions. Under ice covered conditions the flow is very sensitive to the friction parameter....
constant hydraulic radius channel 等水力半径渠道 相似单词 radius n. 1.半径(长度) 2.半径范围,周围 3.桡骨 mean v.[T] 1.(词语等)表示...的意思,作...解释 2. 意指,意谓 3. 意味着,即是 4. 意欲,打算;怀有 5. 预定;注定;指定 6. 引起,造成 v.[I] 1. 怀 hydraulic a. 水力的,水...
A stream has a slope of 0.03%, a hydraulic radius of 2.2 m, and an average velocity of 1.2 m/sec. Estimate Manning's n. If the channel is 50 m wide, estimate the discharge in m3/sec. (4.41) A rectangular channel is carrying 10 cfs/ft of width, (a) Construct a specific energy...
cient;R is the hydr aulic radius;g is a Gravita tional constant;CO is th e dr ag coefi c ien t and A d is th e vegetation density per unit of channel length.E quation 1 requires an estimate of th e drag coefi cient,Co and th e corresponding vegetation area which has not ...
Typical channels were found to have maximum-to-mean depth ratio of 1.55 and a ratio of hydraulic radius to mean depth of 0.98, which is independent of width. Most stable channel characteristics for a given discharge are slope, maximum depth, and hydraulic radius. (See also W89-04911) (...
Product Features Patented integrated body design, more sturdy and durable Rotary-return mechanism design, never-jam mechanism. Hands-free operation, making the use more safety. Slim nose radius and 360°×180° swivel hose connection allow easier positioning in confined spa...