HYDRAULIC CYLINDER 产品说明书 HYDRAULIC CYLINDER Max. Capacity: 10 Ton at 8,950 PSI SAFETY EXPLANATIONS Two safety symbols are used to identify any action or lack of action that can cause personal injury. Your reading and understanding of these safety symbols is very important.DANGER - Danger is...
(cylinder) 液压马达(motor) 液压回路(circuit) 压力控制回路(pressure control) 流量(速度)控制回路(speed control) 方向控制回路(directional valve control) 安全回路(security control) 定位回路(position control) 同步回路(synchronise circuit) 顺序动作回路(sequeunt circuit) 液压泵(pump) 阀(valve) 压力控制阀...
MHI Standards for IMO Hydraulic diagram All ships excluding tanker above 10,000GT 6 ¯ INFORMATION OF YOOWON INDUSTRIES LTD. Pump Control Type (T series) Hydraulic pump control mechanism Servo cylinder Torque motor unit Mechanical lever for emergency steering ...
外形图 / Outline Dimension 型号 Model 扭矩 Torque @12MPa (Nm) 液压缸直径 Diameter of Cylinder (mm) 行程容积 Stroke volume (cm3) EDHA80 EDHA160 EDHA240 EDHA500 EDHA700 EDHA1100 EDHA1800 EDHA2500 96 192 288 600 840 1320 2160 3000 30 35 40 50 55 65 80 90 18 34 50 101 135 ...
One is to generate pressure pulsation wave by servo valve, the other is to install servo actuator in the pipeline to increase or decrease the pipeline volume by controlling the reciprocating motion of servo actuator cylinder, so as to generate pressure pulsation wave to offset the pressure ...
Fig. 3 is the working principle diagram of five cylinder, Fig. 3 (a) shows the crank OA rotating with uniform angular velocity of ω, when the crank rotating angle φ = 0∼π, it is the suction stroke, the crank rotating angle φ = π∼2π, it is the discharge stroke...
3.15MNpress.Itisillustrated in figure 1 that new design of the crosshead(2)of the press is connected to main cylinder which is controlled by the servo valve(3), in order to maintain a constant pressure differential,pressure compensator(4) is connected to inlet and outlet of the servo valve....
pressure (the output pressure PVAof the main cylinder 21) is equal to the rear axle braking pressure, the output pressure PHAof the main cylinder 22 when the ration PVA/PHAcorresponds to the installed braking force distribution FVA/FHArepresented by the straight line 101 of diagram 100 of FIG...
FIG. 21 is an schematic diagram of an the electrical circuit for controlling the operation of the hydraulic door actuator device of this invention. FIGS. 22 and 23 are cross-sectional views of a cylinder unit constructed in accordance with this invention showing the piston fully extended (door ...
An output pulley cylinder or actuator 5 is provided to move the output pulley element 4b, primarily for changing the tension of the belt 6. The hydraulic pressure to move the output pulley element 4b relative to the output pulley element 4a is controlled to be as low as possible to the ex...