中文名称:Hydralazine HCl 英文名称:Hydralazine HCl EINECS:206-151-0 中文同义名: 盐酸肼苯哒嗪; 盐酸肼酞嗪; 1-肼屈嗪盐酸盐; 1-肼屈嗪盐酸盐,98%; 盐酸肼屈嗪/1-肼基-2,3-二氮杂萘盐酸盐; 1-肼基酞嗪盐酸盐; 1(2H)-二氮杂萘酮,腙,单盐酸盐; 1(2H)-二氮杂萘酮,腙,盐酸盐; ...
They'll be randomly assigned to receive either hydralazine HCL (25mg, thrice daily) or a placebo for 12months. The primary outcome is the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale change from baseline to 12months. Secondary outcomes include various measures using Lawton instrumental activities of daily ...
ProductPenimadol Inj. (Tramadol HCl) • Generic name: Tramadol HCl 50mg • Indication: Acute and chronic severe pain ProductContainer design Whether a bottle or an ampoule is to be filled, how it is filled, and what additional functions the container needs are usually based on the intended...
hydraalazma最安全的三个药hydralazine 25mg carvedilol是什么药cilazapril是什么药 HYDRA是什么牌子hydralazine hcl降压药 类风湿怎么治疗除根-告诉你一个简单的方法-点击查看 得了类风湿治疗类风湿手指肿胀,膝关节疼,用这个方法,中医调理,不用在东奔西走了,亲身经历! 秦汉新城洪马严百货店广告 阴囊潮湿是什么原因造...
Brands:Hydralazine HCl tab. samjinForm:ATBCompany:Samjin PharmComposition:hydralazine HCl 25mgETC:ETCDocu.Requi.:IORRegul.Status:MKTBE:OPV:IORProd.Status:ONP药品详细信息:http://www.pharmalink.kr/detailinfo.php?code=19820040301 填写下方邮箱进行订阅,即可获取详细说明书,另有机会获得全处方辅料含量及...
Originator Apresoline HCl,Ciba,US,1952 Uses Hydralazine is widely used cardiovascular drug dilating arterioies by relaxation of artetiolar smooth muscles. Uses Inhibits DNA methyltransferase and modulates epigenetic regulation of gene expression. Non-selective MAO-A/B inhibitor; semicarbazide-sensitive ami...
盐酸肼屈嗪片 盐酸肼屈嗪片 拼音名:Yansuan Jingquqin Pian 英文名:Hydralazine Hydrochloride Tablets 书页号:2000年版二部-640 本品含盐酸肼屈嗪(C8H8N4.HCl)应为标示量的90.0%~110.0 %。 【性状】 本品为白色或几乎白色片或糖衣片。 【鉴别】 取本品的细粉适量(约相当于盐酸肼屈嗪30mg),加水10ml振...
每1mL溴滴定液(0.05mol/L)相当于4.916mg的C₈H₈N₄•HCl。类别 抗高血压药。贮藏 遮光,密封,在干燥处保存。制剂 盐酸肼屈嗪片。安全信息 安全术语 S26:In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.眼睛接触后,立即用大量水冲洗并征求医生...