Rebecca Craven, in Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 2001 The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a letter of ‘approvability’ for BiDil, a drug designed specifically for the treatment of heart failure in black patients. The relatively high level of heart fail...
After oral administration of hydralazine, the major circulating metabolites are hydralazine pyruvate hydrazone and methyltriazolophthalazine. Hydralazine is the main pharmacologically active entity; hydralazine pyruvate hydrazone has only minimal hypotensive and tachycardic activity. The pharmacological activity of...
In addition, invention of protective pharmacological reagent(s) can be a more time-restricted intervention with a dosage-dependent way, as well as easily deliverable to subjects, than genetic intervention (DNA/protein delivery). Additionally, we think that pharmacological drug(s) will be an asset ...