HydraBus HydraFW official firmware for open source multi-tool for anyone interested in learning/developping/debugging/hacking/Penetration Testing for basic or advanced embedded hardware - hydrabus/hydrafw
HydraTool This repository contains host software (Linux/Windows) for HydraBus with HydraFW firmware, a project to produce a low cost, open source multi-tool hardware for anyone interested in Learning/Developping/Debugging/Hacking/Penetration Testing for basic or advanced embedded hardware. ...
Offline password cracking, such as using an automated tool to try to crack a Windows Security Account Manager database or the contents of a Linux password shadow file (i.e., /etc/shadow), requires different tools, such ashashcatorJohn the Ripper. How to download Hydra There are a few di...
Great talk on HydraDancer by QuarksLab(@quarkslab) / Thiébaud Fuchs(https://github.com/kauwua) at@passthesaltcon#pts24Check it out:https://cfp.pass-the-salt.org/pts2024/talk/EJKJS8/and videohttps://passthesalt.ubicast.tv/videos/2024-hydradancer-using-usb3-to-improve-usb-hacking-wit...
Hacking with nikto - A tutorial for beginners Security Email harvesting with metasploit | tutorial Metasploit Hack windows xp with metasploit | tutorial Metasploit Scan website for vulnerabilities with uniscan - tutorial Security Programming box2d in javascript - tutorial on basics Javascript Follo...
Hydra can be used and compiled cleanly on Linux, Windows/Cygwin, Solaris, FreeBSD/OpenBSD, QNX (Blackberry 10) and OSX. Currently THC Hydra tool supports the following protocols: Asterisk, AFP, Cisco AAA, Cisco auth, Cisco enable, CVS, Firebird, FTP, HTTP-FORM-GET, HTTP-FORM-POST, HTTP...
Network SecurityTHC Hydra–ReportGroup name:Shake dataGroup members name:Mina gerges Fouad20060436Mina samy Youssef20060438Over Viewabout tool:Hydra was a software project developed by a German organization called "TheHacker's Choice" (THC) that uses adictionary attackto test for weak or simple...
We interviewed ‘THC Hydra’ creator, Marc “van Hauser” Heuse, and asked him a bunch of questions about his much-loved and used password hacking tool, THC
HydraBus open source multi-tool for anyone interested in learning/developping/debugging/hacking/Penetration Testing for basic or advanced embedded hardware - hydrabus/hydrabus