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Hyde Park Venture Partners 成立于2011年12月,是一家主要投资于商业技术服务、消费者服务以及医疗健康IT服务。 关注领域 医疗健康教育金融硬件企业服务广告营销 投资轮次 种子轮(2家,约739万元)天使轮(2家,约543万元)A轮(18家,约2亿元)B轮(8家,约1亿元)C轮及以后(8家,约7亿元)...
Hyde Park Venture Partners is an early-stage venture capital firm focused on high-growth, mid-continent technology startups. We seek companies with an exceptional founding team and fast-growth potential, looking to raise a first or second round of capita
Hyde Park Venture Partners is an early stage venture capital firm focused on high-growth technology startups in the Midwest and Toronto. Based in Chicago — with extensive on-the-ground activity throughout the region — we partner with incredible founding teams with expertise in their industry an...
Hyde Park Venture Partners成立于2011年12月,是一家主要投资于商业技术服务、消费者服务以及医疗健康IT服务。 投资项目25 投资事件37 机构明细0 上榜榜单0 投资项目25 战绩类型所属行业导出 序号品牌产品工商全称所属行业所属地区投资轮次当前轮次最新融资日期 ...
Software 201 - 1000 employees Series C+ Mid-Senior Level Read more about Territory Manager (Pacific Northwest) at LogicGate Senior Product Manager- Platform ShipBob India; Remote Today Commerce and Shopping Mobile, Platforms, and Apps Software Transportation 1001 - 5000 employees Series C+ Senior Re...
Hyde Park Venture Partners 文章摘要:Hyde Park Venture Partners 成立于2011年12月,是一家主要投资于商业技术服务、消费者服务以及医疗健康IT服务。 Hyde Park Venture Partners 成立于2011年12月,是一家主要投资于商业技术服务、消费者服务以及医疗健康IT服务。
[ 导读 ]ShipBob获Hyde Park Venture Partners领投400万美元A轮投资 产品名称:ShipBob 公司名称:ShipBob 公司成立时间: 公司法人: 所属公司注册资本: 行业:企业服务外包开发 公司介绍:外包式打包与发货服务,ShipBob使用由其提供的仓储资源,同时提供包装设计协助方案和为客户提供包装材料供应。
Terminus · CEO & Executive ChairmanHyde Park Venture Partners · General Partner & Managing Director 关注 人物简介 Tim Kopp is an experienced marketer, advisor and venture partner with a passion for advising high growth marketing tech companies. After nearly 20 years of Senior Leadership roles acros...
[ 导读 ]Clinc获Drive Capital领投,Hyde Park Venture Partners,Cahoots Holdings,Stuart Porter跟投 630万美元A轮投资 产品名称:Clinc 行业:人工智能ChatBot 公司介绍:聊天机器人研发商,本次完成 630万美元A轮融资,由Drive Capital领投,Hyde Park Venture Partners,Cahoots Holdings,Stuart Porter跟投。