What Does HYD Mean in a Text?home▸search h▸HYDThe Quick Answer HYD means "How You Doing?". More Observations... The abbreviation HYD is used as a form of greeting and is equivalent to asking "How are you?" For example:
dat<-lapply(SILO,function(x) cumsum(as.numeric(x$tsd$Rain-mean(x$tsd$Rain))) #reformat for plot dat<-data.frame(matrix(unlist(dat),nrow=length(dat[[1]]),byrow=FALSE)) colnames(dat)<-names(SILO) dat$date<-zoo::index(SILO[[1]]$tsd) dat<-reshape2::melt(dat,id.vars="date")...
CaF(2) in insoluble in water.For the salt CaF(2),DeltaH("lattice")^(0) gt DeltaH("hyd")^(0). Predict whether this salt is soluble in water or not.
Updated comments in the functions for better clarity on what they perform. Reformatted some lines of code to improve readability, such as adding spaces after commas for better separation of elements. Added error handling in calculate_mean function to handle cases when input list is empty and retu...
In certain embodiments the apertures are uniformly distributed over the surface of the sheet, preferably in a regular pattern. The mean area of each aperture may for example be from about 0.01 to about 10 mm2, preferably from about 0.1 to about 4 mm2, and more preferably from about 1 mm2 ...