Phenotypical, physiological and genetic characterization was carried out on the hybrid necrosis gene from Haynaldia villosa, and the related gene Ne-V was
The seeds were sowed on seed beds, and the seedlings were transplanted to the fields. Field management, including irrigation, fertilizer application and pest control, followed essentially normal agricultural practices. Marker development and assay. DNA was extracted from fresh young leaves using the...
Although variability in seed germination among different hybrids and treatments was observed, germination was above 50% of the controls and all germinated seeds developed into normal seedlings with healthy shoot and root formation. No abnormalities, nutritional deficiencies, or diseases were observed in ...
The selection of hybrids is an essential step in maize breeding. However, evaluating a large number of hybrids in field trials can be extremely costly. However, genomic models can be used to predict the expected performance of un-tested genotypes. Bayesi
Seeds from mature experimental fruits (⩽10 per cross) were sown (one fruit per 2, 5 × 10 cm wells) atop well-draining media covered with a thin layer of black sand and kept for 4 weeks in a misthouse under low light (∼600 μmol m − 2 s − 1) and 20 s of mist ...
Mitchell (Geno- type W115) were grown from seeds in vitro and then transferred to the greenhouse [29]. Subsequently, they were transplanted into 1.1 l pots filled with a special mix of peat based substrate without slow release fer- tilizers (Einheitserde Typ ED-73 with Optifer, Patzer,...
These selected seeds are then bulked and used to grow the next generation. Bulk selection requires growing a population of plants in a bulk plot, allowing the plants to self-pollinate, harvesting the seed in bulk and then using a sample of the seed harvested in bulk to plant the next ...
ND-RANSAC considers the normal of the seed points and then evaluates the model only when the normals of seeds points are similar to those of the model. These methods can be used to identify meaningless models beforehand, thus avoiding unnecessary hypothesis evaluation. 2.2.2. Multiple Shapes ...
Two seeds were sown in each hill, but only one seedling was allowed to grow after a week. In reducing the border effects, data were recorded from five central rows of each plot. Compound fertilizer 15:15:15 NPK at 400 kg/ha and urea at 60 kg/ha were applied to each plot at 10 ...
Information gain feature selection, the author reduced the number of features to 13. Then they used the reduced features to detect five majority classes which were DoS, Probe, Normal, Generic, and Exploit. The model achieved 83.4% accuracy in performance, evaluated in a real network environment....