If you experience issues completing hybrid Azure AD join for domain-joined Windows devices, see: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/devices/troubleshoot-hybrid-join-windows-current#step-3-find-the-phase-in-which-join-failed-and-the-errorcode --- Please "Accept the an...
Hybrid Azure AD Join time Conor Treslove-Hayes1Reputation point Aug 15, 2020, 6:55 AM Hi, I have began to roll out Hybrid azure join, using aad connect and adfs ( Tested with controlled validation). Over the last 2 days, only 170 of our 550 devices configured have joined the hybrid ...
Devices that were previously Azure AD registered (for example, for Intune) transition to “Domain Joined, AAD Registered”; however it takes some time for this process to complete across all devices due to the normal flow of domain and user activity.Verify...
Implemented Hybrid Azure AD Joined with Okta Federation and MFA initiated from Okta.Trying to implement Device Based Conditional Access Policy to access...
According to the documentation (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/devices/device-management-azure-portal) Hybrid Azure AD joined Windows 10 or newer devices don't have an owner which is what we see. This doesnt explain why Windows 10 devices that...
We want to role out new laptops to users using pre provisioning (formerly white glove). And have them joined to our internal domain as well as azure. The problem is when the user would first get their laptop I can't see how they can sign in as it…
HAADJ が正常にできているかの最初の確認としては、 Azure ポータルを開き [Azure Active Directory] ブレードの [デバイス] 欄で結合の種類が Hybrid Azure AD Joined となっている状態で対象のコンピューターが存在するか確認します。 ![](./troubleshoot-hybrid-azure-ad-join-managed/device-li...
while on the CMD prompt ,rerun the command lineAutoWorkplace.exe /i ,this time ,the device is joined to organisation workplace which is Hybrid Azure AD join. Deletion of the devices cannot be done by end users and if they go the URLhttps://portal.fei.msuc05.manage.microsoft....
AzureAdJoinedYESThis field indicates whether the device is joined. The value isYESif the device is either a Microsoft Entra joined device or a Microsoft Entra hybrid joined device. If the value isNO, the join to Microsoft Entra ID hasn't finished yet. ...
PC is joining Azure AD but not changing the PC Name as it shows up as DESKTOP-XXXXXX. It's also not joining on prem AD Within the logs on the PC, I'm seeing that the PC is trying to join the domain but cannot. "Attempting to ping domain controller failed....