If you experience issues completing hybrid Azure AD join for domain-joined Windows devices, see: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/devices/troubleshoot-hybrid-join-windows-current#step-3-find-the-phase-in-which-join-failed-and-the-errorcode --- Please "Accept the an...
Also, check out the troubleshooting guide./en-us/azure/active-directory/devices/troubleshoot-hybrid-join-windows-current Please take a moment to "Mark as Answer" and/or "Vote as Helpful" wherever applicable. Thanks!
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/devices/howto-hybrid-azure-ad-join#managed-domains I am attempting to follow this document to setup Hybrid Azure AD Join The version of Azure AD Connect available for download currently is version (https://www.mi...
If you run intro trouble on some devices with multiple entries just remove the wrong one (of both) and try to re-register/join.You can also find out what is the latest used device then look at the "ApproximateLastLogonTimeStamp" of the Get-AzureADDevice cmdlet. This attribute is ...
I would like to understand better what are the prerequisites regarding Hybrid Azure Join Setup within the Windows Active Directory and ADFS (if used). Regarding the Microsoft Documentation i cannot fully understand if all the internal AD Domains also need to be registered in the Tenant or not ?
某些組織可能無法使用 Microsoft Entra Connect 來設定 AD FS。 您可以在手動設定 Microsoft Entra 混合式聯結一文中找到手動設定宣告的步驟。美國政府雲端 (包含 GCCHigh 和 DoD)針對Azure Government 中的組織,Microsoft Entra 混合式聯結要求裝置必須能夠從組織的網路中存取下列 Microsoft 資源:...
Recently i blogged about Hybrid Azure AD Workplace join issue that was causing because of internet explorer user authentication setting .For more information ,please read this article here This week ,have got another issue that was related to workplace
AzureAdJoinedYESThis field indicates whether the device is joined. The value isYESif the device is either a Microsoft Entra joined device or a Microsoft Entra hybrid joined device. If the value isNO, the join to Microsoft Entra ID hasn't finished yet. ...
Confirmed there is no variable name in the name template for Domain Join configuration. Confirmed the PC can ping DCs and the server with the Intune Connector. PC is joining Azure AD but not changing the PC Name as it shows up as DESKTOP-XXXXXX. It's also not j...
Azure is adopting the adaptive cloud approach by building on the work we have started with Azure Arc, as an extension ofAzure Resource Manager(ARM). Azure Resource Manager keeps track of a rich set of configurations, logs, and metrics for every resource in Azure. It is a single source of...