For articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without permission provided that the original article is clearly cited. For more information, please refer to ...
Numerous studies integrated a ML technique to spatial interpolation models such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for solar radiation estimation [32]; deep learning for seismic intensity [33]; ensemble ANN for atmospheric studies [34]; decision tree (DT) approach for land cover data and sodium ...
This phenomenon was also observed for T2. In the case of T3, a high compressive strain occurred near the seabed in the loading direction (A side). This was because an excessive stress was concentrated at the connection between the monopile and additional structure (the distance of the strain...
El Hendy, M.; Atalla, S.; Miniaoui, S.; Daradkeh, M.; Mansoor, W.; Bin Hashim, K.F. Hybrid Approach for Developing Strategic ICT Framework for Smart Cities—A Case Study of Dubai’s Toll Gates (Salik).Smart Cities2022,5, 1554-1573. ...
It should be emphasized that the freshwater produced by each unit has a maximum point relative to the desalination flow ratio near the same optimal desalination flow ratio. However, the freshwater produced by the HDH unit hugely affects the RO-to-HDH flow ratio, due to its high varying rate...
After reaching the designated LW of 160 ± 3 kg (at the approximate age of 2 years for pigs from the NAT chain and 7 months for pigs from the INT chain), the animals were transported to a near abattoir where they were exsanguinated following stunning with CO2. To enhance pig welfare...
For this purpose, we proposed in this paper a new hybrid model, the logistic–multicriteria evaluation–cellular automata–Markov (LMCM) model, that uses the fully standardized logistic regression coefficients as impact weights of the driving factors to represent their importance on each land use ...
The findings are useful for decision makers and government authorities to reconsider current natural disaster management strategies. Keywords: earthquake; vulnerability assessment; urban areas; ANN; SWOT; QSPM; Tabriz1. Introduction Natural disasters have resulted in significant human and economic losses ...
We conducted an experimental measurement using iHFUAM around the newly discovered Chating copper–gold deposit in Anhui Province, China, with the aim of revealing the magnetic characteristics of the deposit and identifying potential mineralized zones near Chating based on aeromagnetic data. Additionally, ...