If you experience issues completing hybrid Azure AD join for domain-joined Windows devices, see: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/devices/troubleshoot-hybrid-join-windows-current#step-3-find-the-phase-in-which-join-failed-and-the-errorcode --- Please "Accept the an...
Hello, We have been deploying a lot of devices for a client using AutoPilot.They have a relatively simple setup. Only a couple of configuration profiles...
According to the documentation (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/devices/device-management-azure-portal) Hybrid Azure AD joined Windows 10 or newer devices don't have an owner which is what we see. This doesnt explain why Windows 10 devices that...
For devices that are purely AAD joined cannot be changed to hybrid-AAD unless you use auto-pilot with hybrid AAD join profile or manually join the devices to on-prem domain. The hybrid azure AD joined refers to a device joined to on-prem domain+ joined to AAD. ...
Having enabled Hybrid Azure AD device join through the AD Connect Wizard (Seamless SSO and hash sync, no ADFS) and having deployed GPs I am seeing the following in the AAD event log AAD Cloud AP plugin call Plugin initialize returned error: 0xC00484B2 ...
If you click on Ok , you will see full information about user identify ,what is the app name,device platform ,device state which is unregistered. This is very generic and for anything ,if the computer is not hybrid azure AD join, then you will see same error . ...
In regards to #1, there are many different nuances that you'll need to check before performing a hybrid azure ad join. Unfortunately due to the complexity of these environments, you'll need to make sure ...
HAADJ が正常にできているかの最初の確認としては、 Azure ポータルを開き [Azure Active Directory] ブレードの [デバイス] 欄で結合の種類が Hybrid Azure AD Joined となっている状態で対象のコンピューターが存在するか確認します。 ![](./troubleshoot-hybrid-azure-ad-join-managed/device-li...
AzureAdJoinedYESThis field indicates whether the device is joined. The value isYESif the device is either a Microsoft Entra joined device or a Microsoft Entra hybrid joined device. If the value isNO, the join to Microsoft Entra ID hasn't finished yet. ...
AzureAdJoinedYESThis field indicates whether the device is joined. The value isYESif the device is either a Microsoft Entra joined device or a Microsoft Entra hybrid joined device. If the value isNO, the join to Microsoft Entra ID hasn't finished yet. ...