Autopilot - Hybrid Azure AD Joined First post on here, hello everyone! I've recently been testing the deployment of Windows 10 devices using Autopilot. I've managed to join a device to AAD and sync it back to our on-prem AD. This ...Show More Intune Mobile Device Management (MDM) Re...
Hello, We have been deploying a lot of devices for a client using AutoPilot.They have a relatively simple setup. Only a couple of configuration profiles...
If you experience issues completing hybrid Azure AD join for domain-joined Windows devices, see: --- Please "Accept the an...
Hi, I have began to roll out Hybrid azure join, using aad connect and adfs ( Tested with controlled validation). Over the last 2 days, only 170 of our 550 devices configured have joined the hybrid state. Is there a way this can be sped up? I often
/en-us/azure/active-directory/connect/active-directory-azure-ad-connect-device-optionsSelect Configure Hybrid Azure AD join.Select your Authentication Service and enter your Enterprise Admin credentials.Select Windows 10 or later domain-joined devices....
こんにちは、Azure & Identity サポート チームの 姚 (ヨウ) です。 多くの方にご利用いただいている Hybrid Azure AD Join (以後 HAADJ) の構成ですが、構成に失敗する場合、 Azure AD の観点だけでなく、オンプレミス Active Directory と Windows の観点での確認が必要です。 今回は、HAADJ...
Prerequisites for integrating Hybrid Azure AD joinList of things you need before integrating Hybrid Azure AD Join. Configure Office 365 sign-on rules to allow on-prem and cloud accessModify Office 365 app sign-on policy to allow on-prem and cloud access. ...
You need to create and assign a new user-driven Hybrid Azure AD Join Autopilot profile. You need to create and assign a new Domain Join (Preview) device configuration profile that specifies the domain name, OU, and computer name prefix to use. (These settings are not part of...
PC is joining Azure AD but not changing the PC Name as it shows up as DESKTOP-XXXXXX. It's also not joining on prem AD Within the logs on the PC, I'm seeing that the PC is trying to join the domain but cannot. "Attempting to ping domain controller failed....
AzureAdJoinedYESThis field indicates whether the device is joined. The value isYESif the device is either a Microsoft Entra joined device or a Microsoft Entra hybrid joined device. If the value isNO, the join to Microsoft Entra ID hasn't finished yet. ...