the bulbs send up green leaves followed by their colorful flowers. With the proper care, a single bulb can bloom for multiple years. Along with planting hyacinth bulbs outside in the soil, you can also force them to bloom indoors in a jar filled with water. ...
Plant in the ground in the fall for spring flowering. Wait until after the first fall frost, but before the ground is too hard to work. If you’re growing hyacinths in pots, you can plant from fall to mid-winter if they can be kept in a cold frame or a cool, covered location. T...
Muscari armeniacum'Blue Spike' grape hyacinth is ideal for forcing indoors. Deep-blue 'Dark Eyes', double-flowered 'Fantasy Creation' and snowy white 'Album' are also good choices. Can't decide? You can buy an assortment of mixed colors. Grape Hyacinths Care Tips Origin:Western Asia Height:...
Water hyacinths thrive in warm weather and die if exposed to cold winters. Unless you live within their preferred USDA plant zones,grow them as annuals or overwinter them indoors. If you choose to overwinter water hyacinths indoors, bring them indoors before thefirst frost datein your region....
Once the brilliantly colored flowers of the hyacinth have started to turn brown and fall and the leaves start turning brown, leave the plant alone for at least six weeks after blooming, as it is now that the bulb absorbs the energy from the leaves that produces the following years’ blooms...