The article discusses how the Nielsen Company is shopping its commercial-monitoring service to media agencies and their clients. The service, which is called Keeping Trac, offers daily verification that an advertiser's television advertisements have not only aired, but when and where they ran. The...
摘要: 例1:女,52岁,因慢性胆囊炎,胆囊结石五年住院行胆囊切除术,术后置腹腔引流.术后5天出现发热,体温38.5℃,但无腹膜刺激征.7天后觉右上腹憋胀,B超检查提示右肝下积液,范围10cm暗区.定位后用12#针头穿刺抽出胆汁约100mL,经用抗生素,又反... DOI: CNKI:SUN:SXLC.0.1999-01-052 年份: 1999 收藏...