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MIL MIL-S-23009C-1987钢锻件 合金 高屈服强度 (HY-80 和 HY-100)(取代 MIL-S-23009B)(S/S 符合 IISLA-80/100 和 T9074-BD-GIB-010/300) 国家海洋局,关于HY 147.4的标准 HY/T 044-1997海洋石油勘探开发常用消油剂性能指标及检验方法 HY/T 071-2017表层漂流浮标 HY/T 107-2017卷式反渗透元件测...
HY/T 126-2009 别名 HYT126-2009, HY126-2009 发布 2009年 总页数 9页 发布单位 行业标准-海洋 当前最新 HY/T 126-2009 适用范围 本标准规定了多参数水质仪(以下简称产品)的组成、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则及标志、包装、运输和贮存。本标准适用于测量海水的多参数水质仪。 购买 正式版其他...
Article 27 December 2017 Data availability All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text. References Abdel-Wahab MA, Pang KL, Nagahama T, Abdel-Aziz FA, Jones EG (2010) Phylogenetic evaluation of anamorphic species of Cirrenalia and Cumulospora with...
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当然,为了满足您对“好听的名字”的需求,我为您整理了一些中文名字的建议。这些名字各具特色,既有传统韵味,也不乏现代感,希望能满足您的喜好: 1. **浩宇**:“浩”字意味着广阔无垠,“宇”则指宇宙,整个名字寓意着胸怀宽广、志向远大。 2. **悦琳**:“悦”表示快乐、愉悦,“琳”为美玉之意,整体给人一种...
In contrast, HY5 competes with PIF4 for repressing PIF4-regulated gene expression and thermomorphogenesis (Gangappa and Kumar, 2017). Shoot and root growth occur simultaneously during early seedling development at high ambient temperatures (Bellstaedt et al., 2019). HY5 is...
(Short Name: MOD12Q1) dataset in 2017 (https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/dataprod/mod12.php) was used for fractional forest cover. These data are projected to geographic coordinates. From the land-cover map, five types of forest cover including evergreen needle leaf, evergreen broadleaf, ...
Materials 2017, 10, 1153 3 of 12 Materials 2017, 10, 1153 3 of 11 2.2. Morphology of BSF Scaffolds Containing ASF Micro/Nano Fibers 2.2. Morphology of BSF Scaffolds Containing ASF Micro/Nano Fibers The fiber proportions affected the morphology ...
<HUAWEI> system-view [~HUAWEI] diagnose [~HUAWEI-diagnose] display multicast component event component-type msdp Event List of PID 0xE32722(MSDP): 2017-02-18 09:45:32:530 Event ID:1, Desc: Msdp Peer Connection Lost, Vpn: public, Source:, Destination:, Interface: Eth...