In this study, a new Ku-band GMF (named NSCAT-5.HY-2), which includes Sea Surface Temperature (SST) dependence, is developed for improved HY-2 satellite scatterometer (HSCAT) wind retrieval. Based on the existing NSCAT-4 GMF, the dependence of 蟽0 on wind speed and direction will...
法,该算法将散射计海面风矢量反演分为粗搜索和精搜索两个步骤,有效地提高了运算效率。采用矢量圆中 数滤波算法进行风向模糊解去除,并采用NCEP风场作为背景场对初始场进行选择,提高了模糊去除准确 性。算法的反演结果经与NDBC对比和ASCAT风场星星对比验证,结果表明HY-2A卫星微波散射计可提供 ...
高度计卫星高反法分析演算mispointingangle The Study onRetrieVaIMethodof SignilFicant WaVe Hejght ofHY_-2SatelliteAltimeter Abstract Satellitealtimeter h硒progressed oVer30 years,With t11e deVelopment of satellite altimet巧technology,satellite altimetersuchas TOPEXIPOSEIDON,Jason.1 龃dERS一1/2,ENVISATetc....