HXGN环网真空开关柜是一种用于工矿企业、住宅小区、高层建筑和学校等配电系统的开关柜设备。它适用于12KV、50Hz的环网供电单元和终端配电,具备开断负荷电流、变压器空载电流及电容电流等功能,广泛用于电力系统的保护、电能分配和控制。产品简介 HXGN环网真空开关柜作为户内交流三相12KV,50HZ的环网供电单元和终端配电...
Hexagon's innovative solution HxGN Smart Build™ Insight is crafted for the AEC industry to optimise building design. Visit our website to learn more.
高压开关柜HXGN-12高压成套开关柜环网柜_箱型固定式金属开关设备 钦盟电气(浙江)有限公司1年 回头率:28.5% 浙江 温州市 ¥38000.00 欧杰朗 HXGN-12固定式成套开关柜封闭式环网柜光伏并网高压开关柜 欧杰朗(湖南)电力发展有限公司11年 湖南 长沙市雨花区 ...
HxGN SmartNet is the world’s largest GNSS correction provider, providing reliable and precise data from more than 5,300 reference stations worldwide.
HxGN OnCall Dispatch | Smart Advisor leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to give users richer, actionable insights that would otherwise go unseen. Ready to get started? Talk to an expert and discover what Hexagon can do for your organization. Learn more Leverage assistive...
型号 HXGN17-12 HXGN17-12箱型固定式金属封闭环网开关设备 ◆ 主要特点: ◇ 柜体采用 冷轧钢板组装而成,精度高, 易于批量生产;◇ 配用全复合绝缘真空断路器,断路器采用手车落地式结构,并具有互换性好,更换简单的特点;◇ 手车架中装有丝杆螺母推进机构可轻松移动手车,并能防止误操作而损坏推进机构;◇ 所有的...
HxGN Virtual ManufacturingVirtual manufacturing simulation software harnesses powerful simulations and innovation to drive sustainable and efficient manufacturing processes, enabling manufacturers to achieve ‘Shift to Zero’.Virtual Manufacturing of the Future Take your manufacturing to the next level of ...
1、产品介绍 (H-环网柜;X-箱式;G-固定式;N-户内)柜体结构是用钢板弯制焊接组装而成,防护等级IP2X。柜体上部为母线室,仪表室位于母线室的前部,用钢板分隔。柜体中部为负荷开关室,负荷开关与其他元件之间设…