hwTwampControllerClientEnable INTEGER{enable(1),disable(2)} Read-write The value of this object identifies whether the TWAMP Control-Client is enabled. This object is implemented as defined in the corresponding MIB file. Çeviri Favoriler Dokümanları indir Son Güncelleme:2024-09-0...
hwTwampResponderEnable INTEGER{enable(1),disable(2)} Read-write The value of this object identifies whether the TWAMP Responder is enabled. This object is implemented as defined in the corresponding MIB file. Traducciones Colecciones Descargar documento Última actualización:2024-09-09 N.° ...
【李健熙仍为韩国首富:卧病6年身家1200亿 独子涉嫌“滥用麻醉药”】近日,胡润研究院发布“2020全球富豪榜”,三星集团前会长李健熙(Lee Kun-hee)以1190亿元的财富值继续稳居韩国首富宝座。其在全球排名第68位,身家与万达集团王健林大致相当。据韩联社报道,2020年1月9日,卧病近6年的李健熙迎来第78个生日。在此之前,...
页面重载开启 欢迎光临本站,页面正在重新载入,请稍候 ...
最后1200件!! 【99】韩束红胶囊水195ml➕乳100ml➕面霜25g➕面膜5片 抢完就直接下架,领卷页面显示是149不用管,直接领卷拍下减就是99大洋!!官方旗见店的活动[鼓掌]主打补水,不挑肤质!!胶囊水就是它家的王...
hwTwampResponderEnable OID Object Name Syntax Max Access Description Implemented Specifications hwTwampResponderEnable INTEGER{enable(1),disable(2)} Read-write The value of this object identifies whether the TWAMP Responder is enabled. This object is im...
hwTwampResponderTable This table is used to configure the Responder. The NMS delivers the configuration to the Responder. The index of this table is hwTwampResponderId. OID Object Name Syntax Max Access Description Implemented Specifications hwTwampRespo...
【#家中现金变冥币老人被骗1200元# 嫌疑人:专挑五六十岁以上独居老人下手】近日,山东聊城的刘大爷遇到了一件怪事儿,家里的1200元现金竟变成了“冥币”。原来,事发前两天,刘大爷家来了个陌生男子,称其近期会有灾祸,要破灾就需要把家里的钱拿出来用纸包好,刘大爷照办。接着,男子又让刘大爷闭上眼睛。民警判断...
hwTwampSenderAdminTable This table is used to start test sessions. The index of this table is hwTwampSenderId. OID Object Name Syntax Max Access Description Implemented Specifications hwTwampSenderAdminContinual INTEGER{true(1),false(2)} Read-crea...