and other computer components. Note that categories expand and may contain several more subcategories. We figured out the main indicators, now let's move on to how to use hwinfo64. 4. SENSORS IN HWINFO64: The hwinfo64 program can display the temperature, frequency of various components...
You do not need GPEDIT to block the driver. Use the Microsoft wushowhide utility instead: Doc ...
And in case of iCUE, also to control the liquid cooling system. In my case, I use them to turn all LEDs off, and setting them to light up only if the component becomes too hot. Microsoft is working on something that should replace all these LE...
I've noticed this lately but I'm not sure how long this has been going on, and if it happened before I updated to Bios p3.40 because I normaly use hwinfo to show me the bottom part of the sensors to show me the sections of MB and GPU and in MB it shows the cpu temperature. ...
About Intel uses cookies and similar tools to enable you to make use of our website, to enhance your experience and to provide our services. We also use cookies to understand how visitors use our services so we can make improvements, and to contact you for marketing and sales rel...
It seem to me, that you said that you resolved this bug. P.S : I don't think that is a pro‑blem with mother‑board or Asus Q-Fan con‑trol be‑cause I use it with the fan E30307-001, to see the temperature re‑sult, and I didn't have that bug... Now I have ...
We also use cookies to understand how visitors use our services so we can make improvements, and to contact you for marketing and sales related communications. To learn more about how Intel uses personal information and how to manage your settings, you can visit Intel's Privacy and Cookies ...
HWINFO is still best com‑paring to those, he have very cool features and O.S.D for gamers which is very use‑full... I don't know why you make it free, this should be dif‑ficult for you to earn money... Hope donations are high... P.S : "GPU Model" : An other cool...
You do not need GPEDIT to block the driver. Use the Microsoft wushowhide utility instead: Doc (not an Intel employ...
No he don't ap‑pear in tray icons, but the pro‑cess are in "Task Manager" from the start, im‑mediately after the log‑in to desk‑top... Martin said: Or they don't appear at all no matter how long you wait? They don't ap‑pear as an tray icon but the pro...