显示RTSS信息:显示RTSS统计的帧率信息,详细设置在SETUP中。RTSS显示的自身信息永远布局的最下方。 对于常见游戏和软件,RTSS已经内置设置方案,一般不需要再调节上文中的技术相关设置。显示这些内置配置的方法是在设置中取消选择“隐藏自带的配置文件”。 点击主界面下的SETUP进入软件设置界面。 常用选项都是字面意思。最后...
Which is ultimately fine for me, personally, but I've been sharing these files and tools with other people and trying to come up with a way to add this "EPP" value to RTSS automatically (even if it means replacing their entire OSD) for the less technically inclined amongst the community...
hardwaremonitoring help hwinfo monitoring msi afterburner rtss Replies: 0 Forum: General Discussion H Monitor is flashing off and on when GPU is engaged Hi all. When I turn on a video streaming site like Netflix or while playing certain games, my monitor goes black for about a second....
In the past, users have had to rely on external tools—for example; RivaTuner Statistics Server (RTSS)—to get vital information displayed on their monitor(s) of choice. Martin, HWiNFO's main author, revealed that this new addition is based on a Team Blue toolset—his February 13 official...