针对您遇到的hwclock: settimeofday: invalid argument错误,以下是一些分析和解决步骤,这些步骤基于hwclock命令在Linux系统中的常规使用环境和可能遇到的问题。 1. 确认hwclock命令的使用环境 hwclock是一个用于访问硬件时钟(也称为实时时钟,RTC)的工具,它在Linux系统中广泛使用。因此,首先需要确认您的环境确实是Linux系统,...
错误提示:hwclock: settimeofday() failed: Invalid argument 以上信息说明可能还没有设置 RTC 时间, RTC 初始时间为 Wed Dec 31 23:59:59 1969 。从内核函数 int rtc_valid_tm(struct rtc_time *tm) ,可以看出,当 year 小于 1970 时,认为是时间 invalid ,函数返回 -EINVAL下面来验证一下这个想法 J [usern...
Ämne: Re: Applet hwclock does not work Dear Lukasz, Am Dienstag, 30. Juni 2020, 15:36:56 CEST schrieb Lukasz Serafin: > When I write: > > busybox hwclock -u -s > > I get the answer: > hwclock: settimeofday: Invalid argument I had a similar problem on my system. Did you set...
astzset(3)would interpret them. The obsolete tz_dsttime field of the kernel's timezone value is set to DST_NONE. (For details on what this fieldused to mean, seesettimeofday(2).)
configured for the system. The system timezone is configured by the TZ environment variable or the/etc/localtimefile, astzset(3) would interpret them. The obsoletetz_dsttimefield of the kernel's timezone value is set to zero. (For details on what this field used to mean, seesettimeofday...