hwBfdSessDelayUpTime详细描述OID 节点名称 数据类型 最大访问权限 含义 实现规格 hwBfdSessDelayUpTime Unsigned32 (0..600) read-write 整机重启或单板热插拔后,BFD会话延迟UP的时间。 缺省值:0,单位是秒,表示立即创建会话。 实现与MIB文件定义一致。
hwBfdSessDelayUpTime Unsigned32 (0..600) Read-write The value of this object identifies the time for the BFD session to delay in going Up after the device is restarted or the board is hot swapped. By default, the value is 0 seconds, indicating that the BFD session is created immedi...
Method and apparatus for extending equipment uptime in ion implantation The service lifetime of an ion source is enhanced or prolonged by the source having provisions for in-situ etch cleaning of the ion source and of an extraction electrode, using reactive halogen gases (F or Cl), and by ...
uptime陈携西 19-05-27 05:37 来自微博weibo.com 早上看到一颗灌木上挤满了蚜虫,有蚜虫自然有瓢虫大快朵颐~仔细一看,瓢虫的配色各式各样,我怀疑这些颜色各异的瓢虫会不会是同一个物种?因为瓢虫身上有一种潘妮尔基因,它会让瓢虫身上缺乏色素的地方布满黑色,但是这种基因比较任性~所以很多“同素异形体”就会闪亮...
hwBfdSessDelayUpTime Unsigned32 (0..600) Read-write The value of this object identifies the time for the BFD session to delay in going Up after the device is restarted or the board is hot swapped. By default, the value is 0 seconds, indicating that the BFD session is created immedi...
hwBfdSessDelayUpTime OID Object Name Syntax Max Access Description Implemented Specifications hwBfdSessDelayUpTime Unsigned32 (0..600) Read-write The value of this object identifies the time for the BFD session to delay in going Up after the device is restarted or...
hwBfdSessDelayUpTime Unsigned32 (0..600) Read-write The value of this object identifies the time for the BFD session to delay in going Up after the device is restarted or the board is hot swapped. By default, the value is 0 seconds, indicating that the BFD session is created immedi...
hwBfdSessDelayUpTime Unsigned32 (0..600) Read-write The value of this object identifies the time for the BFD session to delay in going Up after the device is restarted or the board is hot swapped. By default, the value is 0 seconds, indicating that the BFD session is created immedi...
hwBfdSessDelayUpTime Unsigned32 (0..600) Read-write The value of this object identifies the time for the BFD session to delay in going Up after the device is restarted or the board is hot swapped. By default, the value is 0 seconds, indicating that the BFD session is created immedi...
hwBfdSessDelayUpTime Unsigned32 (0..600) Read-write The value of this object identifies the time for the BFD session to delay in going Up after the device is restarted or the board is hot swapped. By default, the value is 0 seconds, indicating that the BFD session is created immedi...