含义 实现规格 hwBgpRouteThresholdClear hwBgpRouteLimitindex 当BGP路由数量降低到设置的告警阈值下限值以下时,产生此告警。 实现与MIB文件定义一致。 翻译 收藏 下载文档 更新时间:2024-09-09 文档编号:EDOC1100035591 ...
FIB_1. hwFIBOverloadSusResumeDescription FIB/1/RECOVEROVLDSUSPEND: OID [oid] The interface board changes from the overload suspension state to the normal state. (EntityPhysicalIndex=[INTEGER], HwBaseTrapSeverity=[INTEG...
FIB_1. hwFIBOverloadSusResumeDescription FIB/1/RECOVEROVLDSUSPEND: OID [oid] The interface board changes from the overload suspension state to the normal state. (EntityPhysicalIndex=[INTEGER], HwBaseTrapSeverity=[INTE...
FIB_1. hwFIBOverloadFwResumeDescription FIB/1/RECOVEROVLDFRD: OID [oid] The interface board changes from the overload forwarding state to the normal state. (EntityPhysicalIndex=[INTEGER], HwBaseTrapSeverity=[INTEGER]...
FIB_1. hwFIBOverloadFwResumeDescription FIB/1/RECOVEROVLDFRD: OID [oid] The interface board changes from the overload forwarding state to the normal state. (EntityPhysicalIndex=[INTEGER], HwBaseTrapSeverity=[INTEGER]...
FIB_1. hwFIBOverloadFwResumeDescription FIB/1/RECOVEROVLDFRD: OID [oid] The interface board changes from the overload forwarding state to the normal state. (EntityPhysicalIndex=[INTEGER], HwBaseTrapSeverity=[INTEGER]...
HwBaseTrapSeverity Indicates the alarm severity. HwBaseTrapProbableCause Indicates possible causes. HwBaseTrapEventType Indicates the alarm type. HwFibOverloadModule Indicates overloaded modules: 1: IPv4 module 2: IPv6 module entPhysicalName Indica...
Alarm IDAlarm SeverityAlarm Type Critical equipmentAlarm(5) Parameters NameMeaning oid Indicates the MIB object ID of the alarm. EntityPhysicalIndex Physical entity index HwBaseTrapSeverity Trap severity HwBaseTrapEven...
Alarm IDAlarm SeverityAlarm Type Critical equipmentAlarm(5) Parameters NameMeaning oid Indicates the MIB object ID of the alarm. EntityPhysicalIndex Physical entity index HwBaseTrapSeverity Trap severity HwBaseTrapEvent...
This document provides the trap description, attributes, parameters, impact on the system, possible causes, procedures, and references. This document provides a complete set of traps, through which intended readers are kept of the running status of ...