hwBgpRouteThresholdClear详细描述 OID 节点名称 绑定变量 含义 实现规格 hwBgpRouteThresholdClear hwBgpRouteLimitindex 当BGP路由数量降低到设置的告警阈值下限值以下时,产生此告警。 实现与MIB文件定义一致。
实现规格 hwBgpRouteThresholdClear hwBgpRouteLimitindex 当BGP路由数量降低到设置的告警阈值下限值以下时,产生此告警。 实现与MIB文件定义一致。 收藏 下载文档 更新时间:2024-09-12 文档编号:EDOC1100035595 浏览量:694647 ...
答案分析: 根据整数加减乘除四则运算的法则求解. 解答: 解: 60÷3=20 1.4-0.8=0.6 300÷6=50 140÷2=70 46+38=84 240÷6=40 1800÷9=200 4200÷7=600 46÷2=23 330-70=260 125×8=1000 72÷9=8 606÷3=202 150÷5=30 630÷9=70 300-300÷6=250 16...
FIB_1. hwFIBOverloadSusResumeDescription FIB/1/RECOVEROVLDSUSPEND: OID [oid] The interface board changes from the overload suspension state to the normal state. (EntityPhysicalIndex=[INTEGER], HwBaseTrapSeverity=[INTEG...
FIB_1. hwFIBOverloadFwResumeDescription FIB/1/RECOVEROVLDFRD: OID [oid] The interface board changes from the overload forwarding state to the normal state. (EntityPhysicalIndex=[INTEGER], HwBaseTrapSeverity=[INTEGER]...
FIB_1. hwFIBOverloadFwResumeDescription FIB/1/RECOVEROVLDFRD: OID [oid] The interface board changes from the overload forwarding state to the normal state. (EntityPhysicalIndex=[INTEGER], HwBaseTrapSeverity=[INTEGER]...
FIB_1. hwFIBOverloadSusResumeDescription FIB/1/RECOVEROVLDSUSPEND: OID [oid] The interface board changes from the overload suspension state to the normal state. (EntityPhysicalIndex=[INTEGER], HwBaseTrapSeverity=[INTEG...
HwBaseTrapSeverity Indicates the alarm severity. HwBaseTrapProbableCause Indicates possible causes. HwBaseTrapEventType Indicates the alarm type. HwFibOverloadModule Indicates overloaded modules: 1: IPv4 module 2: IPv6 module entPhysicalName Indica...
FIB_1. hwFIBOverloadFwResumeDescription FIB/1/RECOVEROVLDFRD: OID [oid] The interface board changes from the overload forwarding state to the normal state. (EntityPhysicalIndex=[INTEGER], HwBaseTrapSeverity=[INTEGER]...
Alarm IDAlarm SeverityAlarm Type Critical equipmentAlarm(5) Parameters NameMeaning oid Indicates the MIB object ID of the alarm. EntityPhysicalIndex Physical entity index HwBaseTrapSeverity Trap severity HwBaseTrapEvent...