For travelling on HVV, you need to have a single or day ticket. Single and day tickets include Einzel-karte, 9-Uhr-Tageskarte, Ganztages-karte and Einzelkarte Kind. There are also weekly and monthly passes with economical rates. For leisure purposes, HVV has the Hamburg Card that you can...
但不適用回頭路線(round trip)及原路折返路線(return journey)。 單人全天日票 (Ganztageskarte): 在有效時間內可在使用的區域內,無限里程跟無限次數搭乘限定的交通工具。 週一到週五: 凌晨零時起到隔天早上6點 週六、週日及國定假日: 凌晨零時起到當天深夜24時 9-Uhr-Tageskarte (單人九點日票)、9-Uhr-Gru...