In the framework of this study engine tests were performed with HVO and FAME as straight fuels using a EURO-VI passenger car diesel engine. Impacts on combustion, emissions and engine behavior were analyzed. Results from engine tests showed that both HVO and FAME positively affect the combustion...
With FAME, the NOx emissions were higher compared to EN590, but other emissions were reduced. Alternative fuels had a positive effect on emissions, which are considered harmful to human health. 展开 关键词: Diesel engine tests Diesel engines Diesel exhaust emissions Diesel exhaust emissions ...
ab sofort die Flotte emissionsärmer betreiben bp bioenergy HVO ist ein erneuerbarer Kraftstoff, der aus erneuerbaren Einsatzstoffen* gewonnen wird und als direkter Ersatz für Diesel in vielen Lkw und Bussen verwendet werden kann. Einzige Voraussetzung: Die Freigabe der Fahrzeug-Hersteller für ...
Widespread use of biofuels for automobiles would greatly reduce CO2 emissions and increase resource recycling, contributing to global environmental conservation. In fact, activities for expanding the production and utilization of biofuels are already proceeding throughout the world. For diesel vehicles, gene...
Hydrotreated vegetable oil Diesel exhaust emissions Nanoadditives Ferrocene Cerium dioxide 1. Introduction The quality and purity of air are essential not only for the environment but also for the health and well-being of the population. Although road transport has made and continues to make enormous...
"HVO not only grants lower emissions during operation by superior chemical composition", said Ingo Büscher, Managing Director of KGC.“Komatsu’s HVO first fill product (Neste MY Renewable Diesel) is mainly made of waste material limiting consumption renewable resources such as vegetable oils." He...
We compared the effects of exposure to exhaust from hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) (a renewable diesel fuel) with filtered air (FA). The vehicle without an external aftertreatment system (HVOPM+NOx) generated emissions of PM, NOxand organic compounds. The vehicle with an external aftertreatment...
Overall, the use of different HVO blends and diesel did not lead to fuel related trends on the emissions of the tested vehicles in the laboratory nor on-road. However, HVO-100 resulted in 4% lower CO2 emissions than the other fuel tested in all the studied conditions. Low ambient ...
This study presents the experimental results from comparison of standard diesel fuel, pure hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) and a blend consisting of 30% HVO and 70% standard diesel fuel. The renewable fuel called HVO helps to reduce well to wheel emissions of CO2 and suppresses disadvantages of...
Suarez-Bertoa, R.; Kousoulidou, M.; Clairotte, M.; Giechaskiel, B.; Nuottimaki, J.; Sarjovaara, T.; Lonza, L. Impact of HVO blends on modern diesel passenger cars emissions during real world operation. Fuel 2019, 235, 1427-1435. [CrossRef]...