福斯通用 液压油 FUCHS RENOLIN XtremeTemp 32 46 68 福斯ATF-Y 8液力传动液 FUCHS RENOLIN ATF-Y 8 福斯泰坦含锌车用液压油 FUCHS TITAN POWER FLUID 32 46 68 福斯无锌无灰抗磨液压油 FUCHS RENOLIN ZAF 46 DLC 福斯无锌无灰抗磨液压油 FUCHS RENOLIN AW 46 ZAF 福斯HFA高含水量阻燃型液压支架乳化油 FU...
Antiwear hydraulic oil HM hydraulic oil 40ºC kinematic viscosity grade :22, 32, 46, 68 Hydraulic rail oil HG hydraulic oil 32G and 68G in ordinary hydraulic fluid, Suitable for all kinds of machine tool hydraulic and guide lubrication system or mach...
型号:BP Bartran HV 46 60 l 包装规格:BP Bartran HV 46 60 l 品种代号(L-):BP Bartran HV 46 60 l 类型:通用脂 应用领域:航空用脂 最低温度:<-40℃ 最高温度:180℃ 抗水性/防锈性:A 极压性:A非极压型脂 倾点:-5 供应商信息 公司地址辽宁省大连保税区黄海西三路62号豪轩国际大厦18层09室统一...
AVIA HYDRAULIC Bio 46齿轮油HYDROFLUID DLZ 供应220重负荷工业闭式齿轮油 平度美孚220齿轮油 长期供应重负荷高性能齿轮油 车用齿轮油 工业齿轮油欢迎选购 马可会员 深圳百亚利美实业发展有限公司 身份验证: 注册资本:500万元 企业类型: 公司地区:中国 广东 深圳 ...
主营产品:润滑油,润滑脂,润滑剂 供应商:大连涵博化工五金有限公司 所在地:中国 联系人:李女士 联系电话 点此询价 QQ咨询 买家还在看 回收报废润滑脂报废回收 云南美国沃泰斯10-70气动注脂机正品 进口二硫化钼替代品金属硫化物SLS 3 杜邦摩力克-MOLYKOTE-特种润滑剂... ...
The study emphasizes the importance of continual monitoring and maintenance to optimize hydraulic system performance and mitigate potential risks associated with fluid contamination.NOVAKOVI, BorivojRADOVANOVI, LjiljanaUREV, MiaOREVI, LukaDESNICA, Eleonora...
Fully compatible with common seal materials usually found in hydraulic systems, to extend seal life and prevent fluid leakage. Typical data ISO viscosity grade 15 22 32 46 68 100 Kinematic viscosity, ASTM D445cSt @ 40ºCcSt @ 100ºC 15.173.66 21.935.06 33.396.66 46.498.36 68.7011...
PTTfluidleakageCheckforPTTfluidleakage.10-8 DisassembleandcheckthePTT9-32 unit.9-36 PTTfluidpressureCheckthefilterfordirtandobstruc- 9-34 doesnotincreaseCloggedfluidpassagetions. Checkthevalvesfordamage.9-34 Checkthefluidpassagesfor9-32 obstructions.9-36 PTTmotormalfunctionCheckthePTTmotor.9-28 Gearpum...
The filter element is usually installed in the inlet filter of the hydraulic system to filter out metal particles, polluting impurities, etc. in the fluid medium, which can protect the normal operation of the equipment. After entering the filter, the impurities a...
Items L-HM anti-wear hydraulic oil ISO viscosity grade 32 46 68 Kinematic viscosity (40ºC), mm2/s 31.52 47.41 69.05 Flash point (COC), ºC 220 234 242 Density (2O'C)/(Kg/m3) 868.2 873 877.4 Pour point, ºC -12 -12 -9 Kinematic viscos...