The reflection and refraction phenomenon is easily explained by Huygen's wave theory of light. The reflection of light is a process in which light strikes the object and gets reflected back.Answer and Explanation: Huygen's Principle is applied to wave propagation and according to this principle,...
Related to Huygens law:Huygens principle pen·du·lum (pĕn′jə-ləm, pĕn′dyə-, pĕn′də-) n. 1.A body suspended from a fixed support so that it swings freely back and forth under the influence of gravity, commonly used to regulate various devices, especially clocks. ...
Related to Huygens law: Huygens principlependulum pendulum, a mass, called a bob, suspended from a fixed point so that it can swing in an arc determined by its momentum and the force of gravity. The length of a pendulum is the distance from the point of suspension to the center of gravi...
Related to Huygens's law:Huygens principle pen·du·lum (pĕn′jə-ləm, pĕn′dyə-, pĕn′də-) n. 1.A body suspended from a fixed support so that it swings freely back and forth under the influence of gravity, commonly used to regulate various devices, especially clocks...